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  • 教师角色:教师是幼儿园班级文化的引领者,他们应该成为文化塑造的主要推动者。通过自身的示范和引导,教师可以帮助幼儿树立积极的价值观和行为规范。
  • 共同体建构:营造班级共同体氛围,让每个孩子感受到集体的温暖和归属感。通过班级规章制度、班级活动等,加强孩子们的集体意识和归属感。
  • 家园合作:家长是班级文化建设的重要参与者,通过与家长的密切合作,可以更好地传递班级文化的理念和核心价值观。
  • 庆典活动:在特定的节日或节点,可以组织班级活动和庆典,鼓励幼儿参与和表达自己的意见,增强班级团结和凝聚力。



  • 情感渗透:在日常教育中,注重培养幼儿的感恩之心、友爱之情,引导他们学会尊重、关爱他人。
  • 活动设计:教师要有针对性地设计各种班级活动,让幼儿在活动中感受到班级文化的力量,培养他们的集体荣誉感和集体归属感。
  • 班级环境:打造温馨、整洁、美丽的班级环境,引导幼儿尊重环境,增强对班级的认同感。
  • 表彰奖励:及时表彰、鼓励幼儿积极参与班级文化建设,形成良好的正向激励机制。




The importance of culture of nursery school class

Culture of nursery school class is to point to in nursery school education, every class forms distinctive, standard of the viewpoint of value that abides by jointly, behavior and tradition are consuetudinary. The class culture of an active health conduces to the gregarious affection of stimulative cheeper developing, enhance class cohesive affinity, develop ability of ego acknowledge of the child and ego government.

How is culture of class of characteristic nursery school formed?

To make culture of class of distinctive nursery school, can undertake hard from the following respects:

  • Pedagogic part: The teacher is the lead person of culture of nursery school class, they should become the person that culture fictile basically is driven. Pass oneself set an example and guide, the teacher can help cheeper establish positive viewpoint of value and behavior standard.
  • Community proposes form: Build class community atmosphere, let every child feel collective warmth and attributive sense. Wait through activity of class regulations system, class, reinforce the collective consciousness of children and attributive feeling.
  • Home cooperates: The parent is the important participator that class culture builds, pass the clasp with the parent, can deliver the concept of class culture and core viewpoint of value better.
  • Celebration activity: In specific festival or node, can organize class activity and celebration, encourage the opinion that cheeper is participated in and expresses oneself, enhance class solidarity and cohesive affinity.

Of class culture breed

Build culture of nursery school class to need to spread out in the round from inside daily educational activity and management. Need pays attention to the following respects:

  • Affection permeates: In daily education, pay attention to the condition that develops the be thankful heart of cheeper, friendship, guide them to learn another person of esteem, care.
  • Mobile design: The teacher should have specific aim ground to design all sorts of class activities, let cheeper feel the power of class culture in the activity, the collective and honorary sense that develops them and collective and attributive feeling.
  • Class environment: Make sweet, neat, beautiful class environment, guide cheeper to respect an environment, increase to feel to the self-identity of class.
  • Commend award: Commend in time, encourage cheeper to take an active part in class culture construction, form good to incentive mechanism.

Pass the effort of above, every class can be formed distinctive and distinctive class culture, be in the effect with the in growing positive play of cheeper.

Thank you to read this article, the hope carries this article, you can understand better and participate in the construction of culture of nursery school class, be children grow help strength.
