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  • 体重:{出生时的体重}
  • 身长:{出生时的身长}
  • 头围:{出生时的头围}
  • 其他特殊情况:{出生时的其他特殊情况}


  • 体重:{1个月时的体重}
  • 身长:{1个月时的身长}
  • 头围:{1个月时的头围}
  • 其他特殊情况:{1个月时的其他特殊情况}


  • (依此类推填写2个月、3个月、6个月、1岁、2岁、3岁、4岁、5岁、6岁时的体重、身长、头围等情况)




Check-up expresses darling health

The growing development of darling is one of things that every parent cares most. 0-6 year old be the crucial phase that darling grows, undertake healthy check-up can in time understand darling regularly grow and development state of affairs, specific aim ground undertakes take care of and administrative.

0-6 is below year old watch of darling health check-up, offer parent reference:

When be born

  • Weight: The weight} when {is born
  • Height: The height} when {is born
  • The head surrounds: The head when {is born surrounds}
  • Other and special situation: The} of other and special situation when {is born

A month

  • Weight: {1 the weight} when the month
  • Height: {1 the height} when the month
  • The head surrounds: {1 the head when the month surrounds}
  • Other and special situation: {1 the} of other and special situation when the month


  • (the rest may be deduced by analogy fills in 6 3 2 months, months, months, 1 year old, 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, the weight when 6 years old, height, head is surrounded wait for a circumstance)

The ministry one's duty that above is watch of darling health check-up is allowed, parents can undertake filling in according to the actual condition of darling. The health that hopes each parents can pay close attention to darling grows, the health that is them lays solid foundation.

Thank you read, hope watch of this healthy check-up can help you know the healthy state of darling better, the growing grow into useful timber that is darling provides better safeguard.
