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  • 埃菲尔铁塔:法国的标志性建筑,登上铁塔顶层眺望巴黎美景是必体验。
  • 卢浮宫:收藏着众多名家作品的博物馆,包括《蒙娜丽莎》等名作。
  • 凡尔赛宫:欧洲最宏伟的宫殿之一,宏阔的花园和壮丽的宫殿令人叹为观止。
  • 蓬皮杜艺术中心:现代艺术的殿堂,展示着当代艺术的精品。








French travel directory

France, one is full of the country of romance and artistic breath, having iron tower of Er of world-renowned Lu float palace, dust humble to wait for mark sex to build, before attracting countless tourists, will seek its distinctive glamour. The article will offer overall French travel strategy for you, take you to appreciate the country of this abundant beauty.

Traffic and visa

Head for France, you can wait for Paris of airline non-stop flight to through French international airline. Additional, european train system developeds, from periphery the country also can take the train to arrive at France. The Chinese tourist of visa of hold Shen Gen can enter France travel freely.

Optimal journey time

French the four seasons is trenchant, age is optimal season of the journey, climate is delightful, the scenery is picturesque. Spring oriental cherry of Paris blossoms, autumn ginkgo leaf becomes yellow is superexcellent view and admire season, and the Hai Haibin in summertime Liweiailade is the good place that go vacationing more.

Go surely tourist attraction

  • Iron tower of dust humble Er: Mark sex of France is built, ascending layer of iron cat head to look at Parisian beautiful scenery is to experience surely.
  • Lu float palace: Collecting the museum of work of numerous a person of academic or artistic distinction, include " unconscious graceful Li Sha " wait for master.
  • Faner surpasses palace: One of Europe's most grandiose palace, the garden of grand broadness and gallant palace make a person acclaim as the peak of perfection.
  • Center of art of Du Yi of bitter fleabane skin: The hall of modern art, revealing artistic now high-quality goods.

Cate and dining-room

France is cate, sample authentic French big eat is the thing that the journey does surely. Besides Mi Jilin dining-room, the street chophouse that you still can be in Paris tastes the French cate of savor tunnel.

Shop with special local product

French perfume, red wine, extravagant brand is shopping popular option. The sweet a pavilion or house on a terrace that is in Paris beautiful abandon ave and the place such as old Buddha general merchandise to be able to shop to the top of one's bent.


France regards a culture as art and cate, having rich travel resource, no matter be artistic lover, epicure or natural lover, can find interior habitat in France. Hope this piece a few helps are provided when travel directory can be you to travel in France, thank you read.
