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1. 关山秦岭风景区:拥有着秦岭特有的山水景观,绵延的群峰叠嶂。可以进行登山、徒步、摄影等活动。

2. 太白山:为道教文化名山,山腰有太白宫、紫霄宫等道教建筑。登山观景,体验道教文化。

3. 商洛博物馆:馆藏有大量商周至明清时期的文物,是了解商洛历史文化的重要场所。


1. 商洛臊子面:以面条细腻爽滑、酱汁鲜香为特色,是当地的传统美食。

2. 商洛烤羊肉:选用当地的羊肉,经过特殊的腌制和烹饪工艺,味道独特,风味十足。

3. 商洛蜂蜜糖葫芦:利用当地丰富的花草资源和传统的制作工艺,制作出美味可口的蜂蜜糖葫芦。


1. 在游览景点时,注意保护文物和环境,文明旅游。

2. 注意当地气候,做好防晒和防寒准备,避免出现身体不适。

3. 尊重当地风俗习惯,注意言行举止。



Shang Luo: Famous city of Chinese history culture

Be located in Chinese Shaanxi to visit town of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, it is a history the Gu Cheng with solid inside information of long, culture. The administer below city of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces two areas, 7 counties, gross area kilometer of twenty-seven thousand one hundred square, total population is about 3.4 million. Ancient city weighing business, Luoyang, historic site of churchyard cultural relic is numerous, it is one of famous cities of Chinese history culture.

Travel tourist attraction recommends Shang Luo

1.Pass beauty spot of mountain of hill the Qin Dynasty: Having Qin Ling's peculiar landscape landscape, group of peak rows of mountains that be continuous. Can have the activity such as mountain-climbing, pedestrian, photography.

2.Too white hill: For hill of Taoism culture name, half way up the mountain has too the Taoism building such as palace of the White House, violet clouds. Mountain-climbing view scene, experience Taoism culture.

3.Museum of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces: Holding has the cultural relic of quiet period of much business Zhou Zhiming, it is the important place that knows culture of history of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces.

Cate of characteristic of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces

1.Foul smell of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces child face: With noodle exquisite bright slips, sauce delicacy is sweet for characteristic, it is traditional cate of place.

2.Shang Luo bakes hotpot: Choose local hotpot, through special souse and cooking technology, flavor is unique, gust is dye-in-the-wood.

3.Sugarcoated haws on a stick of honey of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces: Use the making technology of natural resources of place's substantial flowers and plants and tradition, make delicate and goluptious honey sugarcoated haws on a stick.

Note of travel of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces

1.When visitting a tourist attraction, the attention protects cultural relic and environment, civilization travels.

2.Notice local climate, had done prevent bask in and prevent cold preparation, avoid occurrence body unwell.

3.Respect local custom habit, notice words and deeds behaves.

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