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  • 制定教育规划:省教育局负责制定本省的教育规划,包括中长期教育发展规划和年度教育工作计划。
  • 管理教育经费:负责编制和管理本省的教育预算,确保教育经费的合理分配和有效使用。
  • 监督学校管理:对本省各级各类学校的管理进行监督,保障教育教学质量和教育公平。
  • 推动教育改革:通过制定政策和举措,推动教育体制机制改革,促进教育教学的创新和提高。






  • 集中管理:对于一些重大决策、重要政策的制定、重大事项的安排等,由省教育局集中做出决策。
  • 分级负责:在具体实施过程中,由省教育局按照职责和任务的不同,将相关事项下放到市、县(区)教育行政部门,实行分级负责的管理模式。





The province teachs the duty of the bureau and action

Saving educational bureau is provincial education service, be in charge of make and implementing the educational policy of this province, supervise and coach the education of this province works, promote the development that teachs a career. Its are main duty includes:

  • Establish educational program: Province education bureau is in charge of making the education of this province plan, in including, long-term education develops program and plan of year education job.
  • Management teachs funds: Responsible work out and the educational budget that manage this province, ensure the reasonable allocation that what teach funds and use effectively.
  • Supervisory school manages: The management of various to this province of all kinds school undertakes supervisory, safeguard teachs education quality and educational fairness.
  • Promote educational reform: Through making policy and move, promote reform of educational system mechanism, the innovation of stimulative education education and rise.

The province teachs the constituent structure of the bureau

Generally speaking, the constituent structure that saves educational bureau includes branch of bureau leader, office, each function and directly under unit to wait. Among them, bureau leader includes director, deputy director general normally, they are in charge of the comprehensive job of the bureau leader and decision-making.

The administration inside responsible bureau mixes the office to be coordinated integratedly, it is the administration orgnaization that saves educational bureau. Function branch differentiates according to duty, include to teach program and development, education education of funds and establishment, foundation, profession education, teacher education and groom etc, responsible and specific professional work works. Directly under unit includes to teach superintend and director to guide normally courtyard of courtyard, educational scientific research, assume superintend and director to guide examination, science considers to wait for the task directly.

The province teachs the administrative way of the bureau

The administrative pattern that saves educational bureau includes to concentration manages and classification commonly responsible photograph is united in wedlock. Specific for:

  • Centralized management: To a few great and decision-making, fundamental policy make, the arrangement of major item, make centrally by province education bureau decision-making.
  • Classification responsible: In particular executive procedure, by the province educational bureau is mixed according to duty of the task different, transfer to a lower level of will relevant item arrives city, county (area) educational service, execute classification responsible administrative pattern.

Carry such administrative kind, can be in make sure unified leader is mixed decision-making while, more basic level of press close to, satisfy the actual condition of different area, different school, promote those who teach the job to begin.

As a whole, province education bureau is acting important role in teaching a system, the development that structure of its duty, organization and administrative pattern matter to this province to teach the job directly and carry out, accordingly, strengthen construction and standard to move to its have important sense.

Thank you to read the article, the hope is opposite through this article the understanding that saves educational bureau is more comprehensive, conduce to understanding teaching system and educational management.

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