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1. 快走或慢跑: 快走或慢跑能够帮助加速心率,增加血液循环,预热身体,为接下来的运动做好准备。

2. 动态拉伸: 动态拉伸能够增加关节活动范围,减少肌肉紧张,提高灵活性,预防拉伤和扭伤。

3. 跳绳: 跳绳是一种全身性的有氧运动,能够同时加强心肺功能和肌肉协调能力,是非常有效的热身方式。

4. 动感单车: 动感单车是一种低冲击性的有氧运动,可以有效预热身体,使心率逐渐升高并促进身体血液循环。

5. 瑜伽: 瑜伽能够平衡身心,通过不同的体式伸展肌肉群,提高身体的柔韧性,让身体得到更全面的放松和准备。






Why does female fitness need warm-up?

Before having activities of any a physical ability, warm-up is crucial. To the female, warm-up can reduce wounded risk not only, still can improve integral motion performance. Accordingly, before female fitness, undertaking correct warm-up is very necessary.

5 warm-up are recommended

1.Go quickly or canter: Go quickly or canter can help quicken a heartbeat, increase haemal circulation, warm-up body, for next athletic ready-made.

2.Dynamic drawing: Dynamic drawing can increase articulatory territory, reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility, precaution pulls injury and sprain.

3.Skip: Skip is the motion having oxygen of sex of a kind of whole body, can strengthen heart lungs function and muscle to coordinate ability at the same time, it is very efficient warm up way.

4.Use feeling bicycle: Using feeling bicycle is the motion having oxygen of sex of a kind of low concussion, body of OK and effective warm-up, make the heartbeat lifts gradually and promote body blood circulation.

5.Gem gal: Gem gal can balance body and mind, pass muscle of different extend of form of characters or letters group, increase the flexibility of the body, let the body get more comprehensive relaxation and preparation.

How to undertake warm-up correctly?

About the time of warm-up and intensity, general proposal undertakes 5-10 minute warm up, strength moderate, not too acuteness. In addition, the physical ability that wants him foundation and gymnastical plan will choose to suit his warm-up, in order to achieve optimal result.

Do not ignore warm-up the importance to female fitness, it can take exercise for yours bring more fun and result, what also can protect you better at the same time is healthy.

Thank you to read the article, hope these warm-up can plan to bring a help for your fitness.
