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  • 注重姿态和动作:传统风格下,拍摄者会对新人的姿态和动作给予更多的指导,以表现出优雅、庄重。
  • 光影处理:对光影效果要求较高,会用一些古典纹理的光影效果来提升照片的质感。
  • 场景选择:偏向于古老的建筑或室内场景,或者选择有历史感和情感共鸣的场景。




  • 注重个性:时尚个性风格下,新人的个性会被更多地呈现,摄影师会更多地捕捉到新人轻松活泼的一面。
  • 背景选择:更加开放多样化,可以选择现代城市街道、艺术空间等独特场景。
  • 后期处理:强调色彩和光影的处理,通过后期手法营造更加艺术感的效果。




Marriage gauze vogue photographs: How to choose to suit oneself style?

Marriage gauze vogue photographs is one of indispensable link before every are bridal to new personality. When vogue of choice marriage gauze photographs, a lot of new personality can feel bemused, do not know how to choose to suit oneself style. How does the article mix the introduction according to individual be fond of need, the style of photography of marriage gauze vogue that the choice suits.

Traditional style

The marriage gauze vogue of traditional style photographs to give priority to a problem with romantic, grace normally, setting often chooses the old building such as cathedral, Gu Bao, the composition of tie-in grace and smooth shadow effect, build the atmosphere that gives a kind of elegant romance.

Photography style chooses a point

  • Pay attention to attitude and movement: Below traditional style, the person that film can be mixed to the attitude of new personality the movement offers more guidance, in order to show elegant, grave.
  • Smooth shadow handles: Taller to requirement of smooth shadow effect, the smooth shadow effect that can use a few classic grain will promote the simple sense of the photograph.
  • Setting choice: Deflection Yu Gu's old building or indoor setting, perhaps choose to have historical sense and the setting with resonant affection.

Style of fashionable individual character

The marriage gauze vogue of style of fashionable individual character photographs to pay attention to the individual character of new personality and fashionable feeling more, setting and dress are more bold and novel, present the atmosphere that gives relaxed, vogue.

Photography style chooses a point

  • Pay attention to individual character: Below style of fashionable individual character, the character of new personality can be appeared by more ground, cameraman takes the one side with relaxed and lively new personality can morely.
  • Setting choice: More open diversification, can choose modern city the unique setting such as street, artistic space.
  • Later period processing: The processing of painterly He Guangying, build the effect of more artistic touch through later period gimmick.

No matter choose traditional style or style of fashionable individual character, the most important is to want the be fond of according to oneself and spouse, combine the element such as bridal theme and field to make a choice. Hope the content of the article can help the newlywed person that is about to enter marital hall, wish you have a perfect wedding!

Thank you to read the article, if you feel useful, share the person of more need please.

