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1. 中国陶瓷博物馆: 这是全国唯一一座以陶瓷艺术为主题的国家级专业博物馆,集中了大量珍贵的陶瓷文物,展现了中国陶瓷艺术的精髓。

2. 古窑民居: 漫步在古窑民居,仿佛穿越时光隧道,感受古老陶瓷文明的厚重历史。

3. 景德镇古窑遗址: 这里保存着大量的仿古窑洞,让游客领略到古代景德镇的繁荣景象。


在景德镇除了可以领略陶瓷文化,还能品尝到当地的特色美食。比如 景德镇瓷宫烧鹅: 这里的烧鹅烤制技艺独特,口感鲜美,是当地的特色美食之一。


景德镇以陶瓷闻名全国,作为陶瓷之都,当然少不了陶瓷制品的购物场所。您可以前往 景德镇古窑群陶瓷市场: 这里有琳琅满目的各类陶瓷制品,无论是工艺精湛的收藏品还是美观实用的日常用品都能找到。




Jingdezhen travel directory: Discover Chinese ceramics glamour

Regard China as the birthplace of pottery and porcelain, jingdezhen is bearing the weight of culture of rich pottery and porcelain and history are accumulated, it is domestic and international tourist's yearning travel resort. No matter be lover of pottery and porcelain or common tourist, can appreciate distinctive culture glamour in Jingdezhen. The article will introduce the travel strategy of Jingdezhen in detail for you, make you sufficient before head for understand, enjoy this pottery and porcelain to the top of one's bent glamour.

How to arrive at Jingdezhen

Jingdezhen is located in Jiangxi the province is mid, communication is easy. You can choose to take plane, train or car to head for. International Airport of Jingdezhen Luo Fang connected many towns of domestic, be those who arrive at Jingdezhen is convenient means. In the meantime, jingdezhen railway station also has train many times to arrive at, a right choice also is for the tourist that travels to liking to take a train.

The tourist attraction is recommended

1.Museum of Chinese pottery and porcelain: This is the museum of national level major that the whole nation gives priority to a problem exclusively with art of pottery and porcelain, centered cultural relic of a large number of precious pottery and porcelain, showed the marrow of art of Chinese pottery and porcelain.

2.Ancient kiln civilian house: Ramble is in ancient kiln civilian house, as if pass through days channel, experience the massiness history of civilization of old pottery and porcelain.

3.Relics of Jingdezhen ancient kiln: The archaize cave dwelling with here much in store, let a tourist appreciate the prosperous picture of archaic Jingdezhen.

Characteristic cate

In Jingdezhen besides can appreciate culture of pottery and porcelain, return the characteristic cate that can taste savor place. For instanceJingdezhen porcelain palace burns goose: Here burn goose to bake make craft distinctive, mouthfeel is delicious, it is one of characteristic cate of place.

Shop recommend

Jingdezhen with pottery and porcelain famed whole nation, those who serve as pottery and porcelain, little of course not the shopping place of ceramic. You can be headed forJingdezhen ancient kiln group market of pottery and porcelain: Here has the of all kinds ceramic of full of beautiful things in eyes, no matter be craft is masterly,collect taste beautiful still and practical every day object to be able to be found.

Anyhow, jingdezhen travel is resourceful, no matter be history of date from pottery and porcelain, savour characteristic cate, still buy a souvenir, can satisfy your requirement. Hope travel directory can help a Jingdezhen you are perfect program journey, spend pleasant viatic time.

Thank you to read the article, the travel of the Jingdezhen that hopes to be able to be you brings a help.

