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  • 水果:新鲜水果富含维生素和纤维,可以促进消化和增加饱腹感。比如苹果、香蕉、葡萄等孩子喜欢的水果都是不错的选择。
  • 谷类食物:全麦面包、燕麦片等富含膳食纤维和维生素B的食物有助于提供能量,同时可以促进肠胃蠕动。
  • 蛋类食物:蛋类富含优质蛋白质和必需氨基酸,可以帮助孩子补充营养,提高饱腹感。可以选择煮蛋、荷包蛋等方式准备。
  • 奶制品:牛奶、酸奶等奶制品富含钙和优质蛋白质,在早餐中可以提供孩子所需的钙质和蛋白质。
  • 蔬菜:少量的蔬菜可以为早餐增添更多维生素和矿物质。可以将蔬菜搭配入蛋饼、三明治等食物中。





The importance of children breakfast

Children breakfast is the mainest meal in a day, it can provide needs nutrition and energy for the child, help them learning and grow development middleman and guarantor holds groove.

The basic principle of balanced nutrition

Children breakfast should include 5 big nutriment: Protein, carbohydrate, adipose, mineral with the vitamin. The parent should ensure when preparing breakfast the collocation of these nutriment, want to notice quantitative collocation not only, also want to notice phyletic collocation.

What health reduces weight is crucial

Above all, children should not undertake reducing weight, because they are in,grow development period, need enough nutrition to sustain body growth. And more important is, the parent should help the dietary habit of child nurturance health, is not to emphasize reducing weight this entirely reads aloud.

Healthy children breakfast suggests

  • Fruit: Fresh fruit contains a lot ofvitamin and fiber, can promote digest and add full abdomen touch. The fruit that for instance the child such as apple, banana, grape likes is right choice.
  • Corn edibles: The whole wheat bread, oatmeal food that contains a lot ofprandial fiber and vitamin B conduces to provide energy, can promote peristalsis of intestines and stomach at the same time.
  • Egg kind food: Egg kind contain a lot ofhigh grade protein and indispensible and amino acid, can help child complement nutrition, enhance full abdomen sense. Can choose the means preparation such as coddle, poached eggs.
  • Milk products: The milk products such as milk, yoghurt contains a lot ofcalcium and high grade protein, the calcium that can offer child place to need in breakfast pledges and protein.
  • Vegetable: A few vegetable can add more vitamin to mix for breakfast mineral. Can match vegetable into the food such as egg cake, sandwich.


The health of children breakfast and reduce weight be not contradiction, the key depends on reasonable and tie-in nutrition, develop healthy dietary habit. The parent always should pay close attention to dietary structure of the child, provide diversification, balanced nutrition food for them, let them obtain health to grow in pleasant repast atmosphere.

Thank you to read the article, hope the proposal of these children breakfast can help you be offerred for the child more healthy, more nutrient breakfast, let their thrive.
