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  1. 登录选课平台:使用学号和密码登录江西财经大学选课平台。
  2. 查询课程信息:浏览平台上的课程信息,包括课程名称、授课教师、上课时间等。
  3. 选择课程:按照个人学习计划和兴趣,选择并添加相应课程。
  4. 提交并确认:确认所选课程无误后,提交选课结果并等待系统确认。



  1. 如何添加/删除课程?
  2. 课程时间冲突怎么办?
  3. 选课结果何时公布?
  4. 如何调整已选课程?


  1. 选课时间:学生需要在规定的选课时间内完成选课操作,逾期将无法进行选课。
  2. 课程调整:选课后若需调整课程,需遵循学校相关规定进行操作。
  3. 课程冲突:学生需注意课程时间是否存在冲突,以免给学习和生活带来不便。



University of Jiangxi finance and economics chooses class platform introduction

University of Jiangxi finance and economics chooses class platform is the main tool that the student has the network chooses class and administrative course. Through choosing class platform, the student can inquire curricular information, choice conveniently course, adjust course to wait, it is the man Friday on student learning road.

University of Jiangxi finance and economics chooses class platform to operate a guideline

Choose class flow:

  1. Log onto the platform that choose a course: Use learn date and password to log onto university of Jiangxi finance and economics to choose class platform.
  2. Inquire curricular information: The curricular information on the platform that browse, include curricular name, schoolteaching teacher, schooltime to wait.
  3. Choose course: Learn plan and interest according to the individual, choose and add corresponding curriculum.
  4. Refer and affirm: Affirm place chooses course to not have by accident hind, submit the result that choose a course and await a system to affirm.

Common problem is solved

Common problem:

  1. How to add / delete course?
  2. How does curricular time conflict do?
  3. When is the result that choose a course announced?
  4. How to adjust already chose course?
The student is using process of the platform that choose a course in, may encounter afore-mentioned problems, perhaps can seek advice from a means of settlement to relevant teacher in the help center of platform.

University of Jiangxi finance and economics chooses class platform note

  1. Choose class time: The student needs to complete the operation that choose a course inside the time of the regulation that choose a course, exceed the time limit will not undertake choosing a course.
  2. Course adjusts: If need to adjust course,choose class hind, need to abide by the school relevant provision undertakes operating.
  3. Curricular conflict: The student needs to notice whether curricular time is put in conflict, lest give study and life,bring inconvenience.

Thank you to read the article, believe the meeting when the article uses university of Jiangxi finance and economics to choose class platform to you is helped somewhat. Wish you choose a course successful, school work has!

