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Shang Jun's history

Shang Jun, regard Chinese tradition as the one part of cate culture, of long standing and well established, bearing the weight of rich history and unique terrain distinguishing feature. Soup regards Chinese food as medium main component, the changes of chiliad of all previous classics and development, formed the cate culture of diversification.

Shang Jun's sort

Sort of Chinese soup army is various, the skilly that covered north, congee is tasted, and southern Bao soup, handleless cup soup, soup of avery kind of is having his unique distinguishing feature and effect. Skilly is mixed with powerful flavour delicious raw material is celebrated, and the result that Bao Shang Ze seeks Qing Tianshuang mouth and nourishing preserve one's health. No matter be,decoct is fried, of soup of avery kind of make having strict requirement and skill.

Cooking skill of Shang Jun

The soup material that makes a bowl of tunnel needs rich cooking experience and masterly skill. Choose the makings, processing, duration in cooking a process to hold, it is to make the segment with delicate soup indispensable makings. In the meantime, there also is distinctive craft inheritance between each district Shang Jun, of dish of the braise in soy sauce that is like plain dish, Hunan stew boil, condensed the arrange wisdom of different district.

Culture meaning of Shang Jun

Shang Jun is culture of a kind of food not just, more accumulate containing rich culture connotation and folk-custom amorous feelings. Shang Jun regards Chinese food as one of delegates of culture, bearing the weight of what people lives to happiness is yearning with pursuit. No matter be,the section is celebrated sacred, cannot leave delicate soup material. Accordingly, shang Jun not only the body of alimentary people, more inheritance is worn the local feelings of the Chinese nation and life wisdom.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can understand the distinctive fascination of Chinese Shang Jun culture better through the article, and the distinctive contribution of traditional to China cate.
