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Acknowledge develops

4 years old are the crucial period that child acknowledge develops, they can understand time concept and order better, begin to generate interest to a few abstract concepts. In this one phase, parents can carry the kind that interacts with the child, help them develop logistic thinking and the gift of tongues, wait through reading child of story, query guiding to think for instance.

Mood management

Increase as cognitive ability of the child, their mood management also matures gradually, but the guiding that still needs adult. Parents needs church child how to face a setback, how to express feeling, and how to communicate with other. When problem of child occurrence mood, parents should respect the child's mood, listen attentively to inner sound of the child, coach they handle a mood correctly.

Gregarious ability

4 years old are the period that child socialization ability begins to develop flourishingly. The parent can carry an organization activity of socialization of a few diminutive, let child society and other share, collaboration and communication. In the meantime, also want to teach the child to respect the view that other, society is listened attentively to and expresses his.

Athletic ability

In this one phase, of the child start work ability and delicate act ability had remarkable promotion. Accordingly, the parent can guide the child to participate in activity of a few physical ability, wait like course of game, motion, build self-confident heart in order to help them, enhance constitution, promote the development of harmonious sex and sensitivity.

Teach toy choice

To the education of 4 years old of children the toy chooses, can choose proper toy according to the child's interest and development demand. For instance a few beneficial that inspire creativity and thought development wisdom toy, or a few can take exercise start work the toy of ability and logistic thinking. In addition, the parent should notice the security of the toy and educational sex, avoid to choose to be stimulated too or have the toy of safe hidden trouble.

Nutrition is balanced

Child of 4 years old is in the body rapid growth period, it is very important to because this nutrition is balanced,grow to theirs. The parent should ensure of the child prandial and balanced, absorb vegetable fruit, protein and high grade carbohydrate more. In the meantime, want to notice dietary diversification, proper control snacks is absorbed, avoid to carry feed.

Mental health

Finally, do not ignore the child's mental health. Respect the child's individual character, encourage them to express them idea and feeling, the mood that pays close attention to the child changes, guide in time and help, let the child build positive life attitude and psychological quality.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can be you to be in 4 years old through this article Yo a few practical Yo are offerred in the process skill and guidance!
