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  • 定期体格检查:身高、体重、视力、听力等方面的定期检查。
  • 疫苗接种:按照规定的疫苗接种时间表及时接种。
  • 饮食和营养指导:提供合理的饮食指导,预防营养不良。
  • 心理健康指导:帮助儿童树立积极的心态,建立健康的心理状态。
  • 疾病预防:预防常见疾病,如麻疹、水痘等。
  • 健康教育:家长和孩子的健康教育,让他们了解基本的健康常识。





What is children health management?

Children health managesIt is to point to provide service of overall healthy health care for children, in order to ensure they are growing the body and mind in development process is healthy. This kind of management covered sieve of precautionary measures, disease to check, the respect such as healthy education and behavior guidance, aim to foster healthy habits and customs, prevent a disease, seasonable interpose treats the healthy problem that already existed.

Why it is so important that children health manages?

Children health managesimportance is self-evident. Children period is the phase with the body and cerebrum the rapiddest growth, good health management grows to their future crucial. Pass seasonable health management, can prevent children to suffer from on a lot of chronic illnesses, promote their body and intellectual growth, enhance immune power, foster good habits and customs.

The content that children health manages

Children health manages content to include but not be confined to:

  • Fixed medical: The regular examination of the respect such as height, weight, eyesight, audition.
  • Vaccine is vaccinal: The vaccinal and vaccinal schedule according to the regulation is seasonable and vaccinal.
  • Food and nutrition are directive: Offer reasonable food to coach, precaution is hidebound.
  • Mental health is directive: Help children establishs active state of mind, build healthy mentation.
  • Disease precaution: Prevent common disease, wait like hives, chicken pox.
  • Healthy education: The health of the parent and child is taught, let them understand basic healthy common sense.

The value that children health manages

Manage through children health, can help the parent pay close attention to the child's body and mental health better, discover a problem in time and undertake intervention. In the meantime, children health managed the full-scale development that also is the child to provide important safeguard, help them grow better.

Thank you to read the article, hope this article can be helped you understand better and attention children health manages, the health that is the child grows provide more consideration and support.

