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America is a nation of optimistic gamblers, despite glaring evidence that this is a terrible idea. Americans average $70 per month on lottery tickets, according to Census data, which rises to $132 per month among 65-74 year olds. That's $1,584 per year. 美国人都是乐观的赌徒,有明显证据显示这并非好事。人口调查资料显示,美国人平均每月花$70买彩票。在65-74岁的人中这笔钱高达每月$132,一年就是$1,584。 Now a new survey from Bankrate finds that people with incomes under $30,000 spend 13% of their income on lottery tickets. "The odds of winning are slim to none, but residents of states across the country continue to drain their checking accounts and buy tickets." 现在Bankrate公司新的调查发现收入低于$30,000的人会把13%的收入花在买彩票上。“中奖概率微乎其微,但全美国的人继续花光存款来买彩票。”

If everyone put those funds toward their credit card balances, which average $6,194, U.S. consumer credit card debt would be entirely wiped out. 美国人均信用卡账单$6,194,如果都能拿这笔钱来还信用卡的话,那消费者的信用卡欠款就能还清了。 The same survey found that grandparents spend $7,982 per year on alcohol, which is four times what millennials spend. So there you have it: Our elders are tipsy lotto fiends. 这项调查发现祖父母每年买酒要花掉$7,982,是千禧一代花掉钱数的4倍。那你就知道了:长辈们都是醉醺醺的乐透迷。
