Ministry of life rights and interests regards community dweller rights and interests as the main component of safeguard, devote oneself to to promote the dweller's life quality, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. In the period of time in the past, cooperation of solidarity of member of ensemble of ministry of life rights and interests, begin each work actively, the job that we let sum up this paragraph of time below becomes fruit and insufficient part, for working demonstrate direction of future.
In the half an year in the past, ministry of life rights and interests is rented in the building, the respect such as environmental punish, daily maintenance gained remarkable success.
There also are a few inadequacies and problem in working, main concentration is communicating harmonious kimono Wu to publicize a respect.
Look into future, we will continue hard, perfect working mechanism ceaselessly, promotion serves a level, satisfy each requirement of the dweller better, build the surroundings of more happy happiness for community dweller.
Appreciate the attention of each leader and dweller and support, believe to pass everybody's joint efforts, ministry of life rights and interests can gain more remarkable success certainly, the promotion that gives birth to vivid quality for community construction and dweller contributes his force.
Thank you read, the job that hopes this summary can understand ministry of life rights and interests to you is helped somewhat.