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  • 深蹲: 膝盖微微弯曲,臀部向后伸,保持腰背挺直,然后慢慢蹲下,直到大腿与地面平行,再缓慢站起。
  • 仰卧起坐: 仰卧于地面,双腿弯曲,双手交叉放于胸前,然后用腹部力量抬起上身,再缓慢放下。
  • 俯卧撑: 俯卧于地面,双手与肩同宽,伸直双臂,用手臂的力量支撑身体,然后弯肘慢慢下压,直到胸部接近地面,再用手臂的力量推起。







Know fundamental setting-up exercise

In the life of contemporary fast rhythm, more and more people realize healthy value, fitness is increasingly popular also rise. And fundamental setting-up exercise serves as most foundation, most one of all-pervading body building, accept people favour fully.

The benefit of fundamental setting-up exercise

Fundamental setting-up exercise can raise the metabolization rate of the body not only, enhance sarcous flexibility, return the function that can enhance heart and respiratory system. In addition, fundamental setting-up exercise still can adjust the gesture of the body, improve posture, alleviate pressure and angst, enhance immune power, increase bone density to wait, it is a kind of very comprehensive body building.

Appropriate crowd

Fundamental setting-up exercise suits each ages paragraph crowd, especially for sedentary to be in the office office worker, it is a kind of very ideal body building.

The movement of fundamental setting-up exercise

Fundamental setting-up exercise included numerous and simple the movement that learns easily, if crouch greatly, sit-ups, push-up is waited a moment. These movements do not need any weapon, need certain space to be able to undertake only. It is the movement with fundamental common setting-up exercise below:

  • Crouch greatly: Knee bends slightly, hip is extended backward, carry a small of the back the back is erect, crouch slowly next, till ham and ground parallel, again slow station rises.
  • Sit-ups: Lie on his back at the ground, double leg bends, before both hands across is put at the bosom, raise the upper part of the body with abdominal force next, again slow put down.
  • Push-up: Fu lies at the ground, both hands and shoulder are the same as wide, unbend double arm, the power that uses an arm props up the body, bend ancon to fall slowly next pressure, near the area till bosom, the force of reoccupy arm is pushed.

Need watchful item

When having fundamental setting-up exercise, be sure to keep in mind to want to choose to suit oneself intensity and frequency, not excessive motion is brought about get hurt. Additional, proper warm up and drawing are very important also, can reduce the happening of athletic injury effectively.


Pass the introduction of the article, believe you had had more thorough knowledge to fundamental setting-up exercise. Hope everybody can take out a few time to have fundamental setting-up exercise in daily life, let health make the one part of the life.

Thank you to be read an article, hope these knowledge can live to be helped somewhat to your health.
