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Chongqing city teachs solution of detailed of website of exam courtyard portal

Website of portal of courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education is the official website that government of courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education appoints, the educational exam information that aims to be extensive candidate for an entrance examination and parent to provide comprehensive, authority serves, covered an exam to sign up, the information of a lot of respect such as inquiry of exam arrangement, achievement. Teach website of exam courtyard portal through Chongqing city, examinee and parent can get pertinent educational exam information convenient and quickly, master exam trends in the round, individual of the implementation that help strength teachs a target.

Chongqing city teachs the service that website of exam courtyard portal provides for examinee

Website of portal of courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education was offerred for examinee convenientThe exam signs upSystem, examinee can pass a website online submit information signing up, understand flow signing up and note, ensure success signing up.

In addition, the website still was offerredExam arrangementannouncement announcement, include the important information such as course of the examination time, arrangement that check a place, exam, help examinee is reasonable arrange time, had made sufficient preparation.

Chongqing city teachs website of exam courtyard portal to still be setAchievement inquiryPage, examinee can inquire his exam achievement and achievement rank on the net, understand oneself exam in time to behave.

Chongqing city teachs the service that website of exam courtyard portal provides for the parent

To the parent, website of portal of courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education also was offerred a series of service, include to release educational policy, exam policy to unscramble etc, help parent cares better and the school work of directive child develops.

Chongqing city teachs the characteristic of website of exam courtyard portal

Chongqing city teachs the information of website of exam courtyard portal to be updated in real time, ensured examinee and parent can get newest exam information and policy to unscramble for a short while. In the meantime, website interface is concise and clear, the operation is convenient, user experience is good.


The construction of website of portal of courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education offerred huge to facilitate for extensive candidate for an entrance examination and parent, make them OK understand educational exam trends more expediently, quickly, the study that is an individual better thereby and educational development establish sound program, it is examinee and parent's indispensable information platform.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the introduction of the article, you taught the service of website of exam courtyard portal and characteristic to have clearer knowledge to Chongqing city.

