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  • 注重启发思维:我喜欢通过启发式的教育方法,引导孩子们自主思考和解决问题,培养他们的观察力和逻辑思维。
  • 以身作则:在与孩子们相处中,我发现自身的榜样作用尤为重要。我会尽量做到言传身教,用自己的行为影响和教育孩子们。









Experience of teacher of nursery school life is shared

Regard a nursery school as life teacher, I accumulated many experience in long-term job, also encountered all sorts of challenges. In this article, my general shares my individual profession to sum up, the hope can give be engaged in or be about to be engaged in this occupational person a few helps and inspire.

Regard nursery school of a {as life Mr. } , I know very well educational importance. In the process that gets along with children, I discovered a lot of interesting education kind and teaching method, these made the valuable experience of my education.

Teach concept and method

Look in me, the education that is aimed at cheeper should be relaxed and happy, because this is in daily education, I can tie the kind such as game and fairy tale story, let children learn in joy, stimulate their study interest and creativity.

  • Pay attention to inspire thinking: I like to adopt heuristic educational method, guide children think independently and solve a problem, foster their observation and logistic thinking.
  • Set oneself an example to others: In getting along with children, the example action that I discover oneself is attached most importance to especially should. I can be accomplished as far as possible teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution, the act that uses his is affected and teach children.

Affection is communicated with consideration

Look in me, nursery school teacher is intellectual peddler not only, be child affection world more bring passerby. Accordingly, I can be paid attention to build good feeling to communicate with children, listen attentively to their aspirations, serve each students with love and patience.

In the meantime, I also can maintain close tie with the parent, the circumstance in understanding the child in time to be in the home, because of the child grow to be shown loving care for jointly from what do not open family and school.

Challenge and results

In this profession, I also am facing all sorts of challenges, handle the contradiction between children for example, the attention that shifts them. But be these challenges make me ceaseless grow, also let me harvest more joy and contented feeling.

As a whole, I think to regard a nursery school as life teacher, need has love, patience and responsibility heart, also need to learn ceaselessly and grow at the same time, because have ceaseless him promotion only, ability is taught better and care children.

Thank you to read my individual profession to sum up, hope the experience that I share can be helped somewhat to you.
