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1. 多样化的食物:让孩子尝试各类食物,保证膳食的多样性,确保各种营养的摄入。

2. 合理搭配三餐:早餐要有谷类、蛋白质和蔬果,午餐要有粮食、肉类和蔬菜,晚餐要轻食,注意控制主食和脂肪的摄入以避免肥胖。

3. 控制零食:合理控制零食,避免给孩子提供高糖、高盐、高脂肪的零食,可以选择水果、坚果等健康零食。









Children food: How to match scientificly nutrition, care child health grows

The healthy diet of children grows to theirs crucial. Scientific dietary collocation can help them obtain comprehensive nutrition, and develop good dietary habit. In the meantime, parents also should pay close attention to children food and healthy relationship, improve the knowledge to child nutrition demand, promote the full-scale development of children thereby.

Children food and nutrient demand

Children is in grow development period, bigger than adult to nutrient demand. Their need is enough protein, vitamin, mineral and right amount carbohydrate and adipose the growth that will support the body and development, maintain body functionary to run normally at the same time.

Scientific tie-in food

1.The food of diversification: Let the child try of all kinds food, assure prandial diversity, ensure of all sorts of nutrition absorb.

2.Reasonable collocation 3 eat: Breakfast should have corn, protein and vegetables and fruits, lunch should have commissariat, flesh kind with vegetable, dinner wants to be fed gently, notice control staple food is mixed absorb adiposely in order to avoid fat.

3.Control snacks: Reasonable control snacks, avoid to be offerred to the child high in syrup, tall salt, tall adipose snacks, can choose the healthy snacks such as fruit, nut.

Good food is used to nurturance

The parent should establish right dietary idea to the child, let them know food the importance to the body; Domestic member should make good example, hold life work and rest of the rule and dietary convention, build favorable dietary environment jointly.

Children food and health

Undesirable dietary habit can bring about children force of undesirable, immunity leaves fat, growth demote problem, affect the health after manhood even. Accordingly, scientific dietary collocation develops to the health of children crucial, parents should cause enough attention.


Children food and healthy be closely bound up, scientific dietary collocation and good dietary convention are crucial to the growing development of children. Parents should pay close attention to dietary nutrition demand of the child, develop their good food habit, and the dietary environment with appropriate creation, the health of collective care child grows.

Thank you to read the article, the dietary health that hopes to pass this article to be able to help you be the child better provides attention and guidance.

