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1. 夹沙糖油粑:乐山的特色小吃,外皮酥脆,内馅嫩滑甜美。

2. 桂花糕:乐山美食中的经典代表,口感细腻,香甜可口。

3. 酥肉:炸制而成的酥肉,外酥里嫩,香气扑鼻。

4. 酸辣粉:爽滑的粉条,加上麻辣鲜香的调料,回味无穷。

5. 麻辣香锅:配料丰富,口味浓郁,是乐山人最爱的美食之一。

6. 鱼香茄子:茄子炒得香软可口,入口回味无穷。

7. 竹筒饭:米饭和各种配料一起蒸在竹筒中,香气四溢。

8. 牛肉面:面条劲道,牛肉鲜美,浓浓的牛肉汤令人回味无穷。

9. 泡椒凤爪:麻辣鲜香,弹牙爽口,美味十足。

10. 豆花米皮:细腻滑嫩的豆花搭配口感独特的米皮,清爽可口。






Happy hill cate uncovers secret greatly

Le Shan, it is a town that fills cate, having rich humanitarian history not only, still having seductive cate culture. No matter be local characteristic fastfood, or cafeteria is recommended, cate strategy of Le Shan introduces in detail for everybody below, protect let you eat enough definitely!

Eat cate to recommend surely

1.Place sanded candy oily cake: Le Shan's characteristic is fastfood, cortical crisp, inside stuffing is tender slip melting.

2.Sweet-scented osmanthus cake: Le Shanmei feeds medium classical delegate, mouthfeel is exquisite, sweet and goluptious.

3.Soft flesh: The soft flesh that scamper is made and becomes, outside crisp in tender, aroma is tangy.

4.Acerbity hot pink: The noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that bright slips, add the condiment with hemp hot sweet delicacy, the aftertaste is boundless.

5.Hemp is hot sweet boiler: Burden is rich, taste is full-bodied, it is one of cate that happy hill person loves most.

6.Piscine sweet aubergine: Aubergine is fried spicily soft goluptious, entrance aftertaste is boundless.

7.Bamboo slip meal: Rice with all sorts of burden an evaporate is in bamboo slip, aroma 4 excessive.

8.Beef face: Noodle interest, beef is delicious, thick bovine broth makes person aftertaste boundless.

9.Bubble any of several hot spice plants phoenix claw: Hemp hot delicacy is sweet, play a tooth tastily, delicate and dye-in-the-wood.

10.The beans spends rice skin: Exquisite slippery tender beans spends the rice skin with tie-in distinctive mouthfeel, relaxed and goluptious.

. . . . . . (introduce more happy hill cate then) . . . . . .

No matter be sweetmeat, hot,feed, acerbity hemp is hot, hot, cate culture much appearance of Le Shan is colorful, will surely satisfy the taste bud requirement of of all kinds deadbeat.

If you plan to head for Le Shan, might as well recommend one by one to sample according to above, the tip of the tongue that believes to be able to be you certainly brings sumptuous dinner of a cate.

Thank you to read Le Shanmei to feed a strategy, the hope can bring a few helps for your journey, the brigade of the cate that expects you can rich and colorful!

