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  • 制定教育政策:负责研究本市教育改革发展规划,提出教育改革政策措施,推进教育教学改革。
  • 管理教育资源:负责统筹安排和管理本市教育资源,包括学校布局规划、师资力量配置、教学设施建设等。
  • 促进教育发展:扶持学校办学,推动学校内涵发展,提高教学质量,推进素质教育。
  • 监督检查:加强对学校教育教学工作的监督检查,确保教育教学质量安全。
  • 服务保障:负责统筹协调教育基础设施建设、学生营养餐项目等工作,保障学生的基本教育权益。



  • 教育改革创新:积极推进教育教学改革,探索多元化发展路径,推动素质教育、信息化教育深入开展。
  • 优质资源整合:统筹整合全市教育资源,推进学校均衡发展,提高办学质量。
  • 师资队伍建设:加大对教师的培训力度,提升教师的业务水平和教育教学能力,促进教师专业成长。
  • 教育公平保障:致力于解决教育资源分配不均衡问题,推进城乡教育均衡发展,保障每个孩子享有平等的教育权益。





Big talk city teachs bureau overview

Bureau of education of big talk city is the administrative orgnaization of directly under of government of people of big talk city, the responsible guidance, education that manages this city works, promote whole town to teach the evolution of the career. The main responsibility of bureau of education of big talk city includes to make this city teach the job to develop a program, push educational reform, improve educational education quality, develop outstanding person with ability, the educational rights and interests that ensures every student.

Big talk city teachs the function of the bureau and assignment

Bureau of education of big talk city basically is assuming the following function and job:

  • Make educational policy: Be in charge of studying this city teachs reform to develop a program, put forward education to reform policy measure, push educational education reform.
  • Management teachs resource: Be in charge of be arranged as a whole and managing this city to teach resource, include construction of establishment of configuration of force of school distribution program, persons qualified to teach, education to wait.
  • Stimulative education develops: Give aid to the school runs a school, promote school connotation development, improve education quality, advance quality education.
  • Supervisory examination: Strengthen what teach teaching job to the school to supervise an examination, ensure educational education quality is safe.
  • Service safeguard: Be in charge of coordinating the work such as item of food of nutrition of educational infrastructure construction, student as a whole, ensure basic education rights and interests of the student.

Big talk city teachs the working window of the bureau

In recent years, bureau of education of big talk city is driving educational enterprise to developed a respect to gain remarkable success. Its job window basically reflects in:

  • Education reforms innovation: Push educational education reform actively, exploration diversity develops way, drive quality education, informatization education to be begun deep.
  • High grade resource is integrated: As a whole conformity whole town teachs resource, advance the school balanced development, improve managerial quality.
  • Faculty construction: Those who increase pair of teachers groom strength, promote pedagogic professional skill and educational education ability, stimulative teacher major grows.
  • Teach fair safeguard: Devote oneself to to solve problem of disequilibrium of educational resource allocation, advance urban and rural education balanced development, ensure every child to enjoy equal educational rights and interests.

Look into

Future, bureau of education of big talk city will continue with " advance educational modernization, society of the economy that help strength develops " for the tenet, deepen educational education reform, stimulative education is fair, improve educational quality, the school that help strength develops, make larger contribution to develop more outstanding person with abilities.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the function of the bureau and working window through knowing big talk town, have more thorough knowledge to teaching the job.
