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  • 1. 绿水青山就是金山银山。保护环境,就是为了我们自己的福祉。
  • 2. 小草微微颤动,大树深深呼吸。每一片绿叶都是大自然的心跳,让我们用心去保护它们。
  • 3. 蓝天白云,是最美丽的画面。保持空气清新,让天空永远湛蓝。
  • 4. 土地是妈妈,我们要爱护她。珍惜土地资源,就是在保护我们生存的土壤。
  • 5. 大自然不会辜负每一份爱。保护大自然,我们就是在保护自己。
  • 6. 植树造林,人人有责。保护森林,从我做起。
  • 7. 地球是我们共同的家,保护环境靠大家。让我们携手保护这个美丽的家园。
  • 8. 美丽的湖泊需要你我共同守护。保护水资源,让每一滴水都洁净如初。
  • 9. 保护动物,从我做起。每一种生物都有它存在的意义,让我们守护它们。
  • 10. 绿色发展,永续未来。保护环境,创造更美好的明天。



Protect the catchphrase of nature

Protect nature, the future that affects us and live. 10 classic slogan that protect nature are below, let us act, guard our collective home jointly.

  • 1.Green water green hill is golden hill silver-colored hill. Protect an environment, it is for the happiness and benefit of ourselves.
  • 2.Small grass vibrates slightly, large tree breathes deeply. Each greenery is the heartbeat of nature, let us protect them attentively.
  • 3.Blue sky white cloud, it is the most beautiful picture. Maintain air pure and fresh, let a sky forever azure blue.
  • 4.Land is mom, we should cherish her. Cherish land natural resources, protecting the soil that we live namely.
  • 5.Nature won't disappoint loves each times. Protect nature, we are protecting ourselves namely.
  • 6.Afforestation, everybody has duty. Protect a forest, make from me.
  • 7.The earth is our collective home, protective environment relies on everybody. Let us protect this beautiful home hand in hand.
  • 8.Beautiful laky need we are guarded jointly. Protect water natural resources, be like,make each water clean first.
  • 9.Protect an animal, make from me. Biology of avery kind of has the sense that it exists, let us guard them.
  • 10.Green develops, sustainable future. Protect an environment, creation is better tomorrow.

Thank you to read these catchphrase, hope they can arouse more person to be opposite natural care and protective consciousness.

