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School brief introduction

University of Shandong finance and economics is one so economics, management learns to give priority to dry course, manage, labour, article, law, art the province that waits for much discipline to coordinate development belongs to key university, it is the college that Shandong province supports mainly, also be China ' 2011 plans ' first entering course of Ministry of Education evaluates project college.

Course major is installed

The school sets baccalaureate to award major 63, master's degree awards one degree course to nod 23 (contain the professional master's degree such as MBA, MPAcc and MPM to nod) , 2 degree course nods 110, the doctor's degree awards one degree course to nod 6, 2 degree course nods 26, set postdoctoral flow station.

Enrolled unripe plan 2021

Recruit students of undergraduate course of university of Shandong finance and economics planned to be XXXX person 2021, among them literary history kind XXXX person, manage is versed in kind of XXXX person, artistic kind of XXXX person, sports kind XXXX person. Recruit students plans to include undergraduate course to be approved ahead of schedule, undergraduate course a batch, undergraduate course 2 batches, undergraduate course 2 batches of A, undergraduate course the batch such as 2 batches of B.

2020 admit fractional line

Undergraduate course approved university of Shandong finance and economics ahead of schedule 2020 admit fractional line: Liberal art XXXX is divided, science department XXXX is divided; Undergraduate course admits fractional line one batch: Liberal art XXXX is divided, science department XXXX is divided; Undergraduate course admits fractional line 2 batches: Liberal art XXXX is divided, science department XXXX is divided.

Recruit students general rules

Information of general rules of detailed recruit students can head for net of official of university of Shandong finance and economics to inquire, also can pay close attention to recruit students announcement to get up to date information.

Acknowledgment reads the article, hope above information can provide certain help for you.
