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  • 社会实践经验:公务员需要具备一定的社会实践经验,因此在备考过程中,可以通过志愿活动、实习等方式积累社会经验。
  • 行政常识:了解国家机关的基本职能和行政管理制度,掌握基本的行政常识对于考试和日后的工作都大有裨益。
  • 时事政治:要关注国家时事政治,了解国家政策、法规,对一些重要的国家大事要保持关注。
  • 管理知识:了解基本的管理知识,包括人力资源管理、财务管理等,这对于日后的工作也会有所帮助。



  • 阅读:多读书籍、报纸、杂志,增加对社会、政治、经济等方面的了解,扩大自己的知识面。
  • 参与讨论:可以通过参加各种讨论会、座谈会,听取专家学者的意见,增进自己的见识。
  • 实践经验:通过参与社会实践活动,积累社会经验,增加对社会的了解。
  • 网络资源:利用互联网,关注权威网站、政府发布的信息,时刻关注国家政策、法规等。





Officeholder exam brief introduction

Officeholder exam is to show national official employ takes an exam, it is the important way that the personnel that choose has certain post condition and professional technical ability shoulders national office to work. Attend officeholder exam to need to understand the knowledge of each respect, include officeholder of} of course of {officeholder exam, {to take an exam exam of officeholder of} of condition signing up, {uses book} to wait.

Fair examinee vivid common sense

In planning officeholder exam course, besides solid professional knowledge, still need to have certain life common sense. Fair examinee vivid common sense basically includes the following fields:

  • The society carries out experience: Officeholder needs to have certain society to carry out experience, because this is in,for reference in the process, can accumulate social experience through the means such as volunteer activity, exercitation.
  • Administrative common sense: Understand the basic function of national office and administration system, master basic administrative common sense to have profit greatly to exam and in the future job.
  • Current affairs politics: Want to pay close attention to politics of national current affairs, know national policy, code, want to hold attention to a few important the affairs of state.
  • Manage knowledge: Understand basic administrative knowledge, include manpower resource management, financial management to wait, this also can be helped somewhat to in the future job.

How to get fair examinee vivid common sense

The way that wins fair examinee vivid common sense has a lot of, can undertake getting through the following way:

  • Read: Read book, newspaper, magazine more, increase to wait for the understanding of the respect to society, politics, economy, enlarge oneself intellectual face.
  • Participate in discuss: Can pass attend all sorts of colloquium, forum, listen to the opinion of expert scholar, promotional oneself experience.
  • Carry out experience: Carry out an activity through participating in a society, accumulate social experience, increase the understanding to the society.
  • Network resource: Use Internet, pay close attention to the information that authoritative website, government releases, always pay close attention to national policy, code to wait.


Pass the understanding of vivid to fair examinee common sense, can officeholder of preparation of more comprehensive ground takes an exam, improve oneself integrated quality, make oneself are in the job henceforth more competency, also more accord with the social main demand to officeholder.

Thank you to read this article, how the hope prepares officeholder to take an exam to your understanding and get fair examinee vivid common sense to be helped somewhat!

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