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  • 最佳时间:春秋两季气候宜人,是游览十渡的最佳时间。
  • 交通指南:可以从北京市区乘坐专车前往,也可以乘坐大巴或自驾前往。
  • 景点推荐:可以游览天云山、白羊河、石景山、涞源古村等景点,体验大自然的鬼斧神工。
  • 户外活动:在这里可以进行徒步、骑行、漂流、露营、攀岩等多种户外运动。
  • 风土人情:可以品尝当地的农家菜,体验传统手工艺,感受十渡的淳朴风情。






10 cross: Of nature bestow

Be located in Beijing western 10 cross, it is a natural scene area that does not have distinguishing feature. Be known as " the most beautiful summer resort " and " outdoors motion heaven " , have rich rich and diversiform outdoors activity project. Here has rock of different of picturesque scenery, strange peak, still have Gu Shuming flower, scenery is picturesque, also be mountain-climbing, pedestrian at the same time, ride travel, camp the superexcellent place that waits for outdoors motion.

10 cross travel strategy

Want to enjoy the 10 beautiful scenery that cross and fun adequately, might as well strategy of referenced and the following travel:

  • Optimal time: Age two season climate is delightful, it is to visit the 10 optimal time that cross.
  • Traffic guideline: Can take special to head for from Beijing area, before also can take a bus or be being driven oneself, go to.
  • The tourist attraction recommends: Can visit ancient village of source of river of Tian Yunshan, Aries, Shi Jingshan, Lai to wait for a tourist attraction, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature.
  • Outdoors activity: Can undertake here pedestrian, ride travel, float, camp, a variety of outdoors motion such as Pan Yan.
  • Local customs: Can sample farmhouse dish of place, learn traditional handicraft skill, experience the 10 honest amorous feelings that cross.

Experience the glamour of nature

What no matter be,want to be far from a city is blatant, still be the beauty of the strange unreal of yearning nature, 10 cross the desire that can satisfy you. Here, you can roam in fresh air to the top of one's bent, experience the glamour of nature, put flying soul, loosen body and mind.

10 cross, it is to be far from another blatant world; 10 cross, it is a Sukhavati in busy city. Come, put down a mobile phone, be far from a city, let us walk into this natural Eden together, experience the wonderful glamour of nature.

Acknowledgment reads chrestomathy piece strategy, hope to be able to be you 10 the travel that cross provides a help, wish you spend a paragraph of unforgettable time in this natural Eden.

