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1. 个人卫生: 初中生应该掌握基本的个人卫生知识,包括洗手、洗澡、保持口腔卫生等。正确的个人卫生习惯有助于保持健康。

2. 饮食营养: 他们需要了解均衡饮食的重要性,学会简单的烹饪技巧,并且知道一些常见食品的营养价值。

3. 家务技能: 学会打扫房间、洗衣服、整理书包等基本的家务技能,培养自己的独立生活能力。

4. 财务管理: 简单了解家庭的日常开支和理财原则,如何合理规划零花钱的使用。


1. 学校课程: 学校可以引入一些生活技能课程,让学生系统学习相关知识。

2. 家庭教育: 家长可以在家庭日常中培养孩子的生活能力,让他们参与家务和日常生活的决策。

3. 社会实践: 提倡学生积极参与社会实践活动,培养他们独立生活的能力。





The importance with life skill and unripe to junior high school knowledge

Phase of junior high school is teenage grow gradually for independent and individual crucial period, need masters a few basic life technical ability and knowledge, the development that is future lays next solid foundations. These skill and knowledge can help them get used to social life better not only, still conduce to education their independent character and provide for oneself ability.

Junior high school gives birth to the basic life technical ability that should have and knowledge

1.The individual is wholesome: Junior high school is unripe should master basic individual sanitation knowledge, include to wash one's hands, bathe, maintain oral cavity sanitation to wait. The habit conduces to correct individual sanitation keep healthy.

2.Dietary nutrition: They need to know the value of balanced diet, learn simple cooking skill, and know the nutrient value of a few common provision.

3.Household skill: The society cleans a room, wash the dress, arrange the basic household technical ability such as satchel, foster oneself independent viability.

4.Financial management: Understand daily expenses of the family and principle of conduct financial transactions simply, how the use of sound program pin money.

Training junior high school gives birth to the method of life skill and knowledge

1.School curriculum: The school can introduce course of skill of a few lives, let student system learn relevant knowledge.

2.Domestic education: The parent can be in the family is daily in the viability that rears the child, those who let them share housework and daily life is decision-making.

3.Social practice: Advocate a student to take an active part in a society to carry out an activity, develop the ability that they live independently.


Unripe period of junior high school is one grows quickly the phase with cognitive world, learn these basic life technical ability and knowledge crucial to their in the future development. Door of Ministry of Education, family and society should joint efforts, be born for junior high school offer more life skill and knowledge to groom opportunity.

Thank you to read the article, hope these life skill and knowledge are born to be helped somewhat to junior high school, let them can get used to prospective life better.

