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  • 制定教育发展规划: 负责制定本市教育事业的发展规划,指导和协调各级各类教育工作。
  • 督促学校管理: 监督学校的招生、教学质量、师资队伍建设等,确保教育教学工作的正常开展。
  • 教育经费分配: 负责本市教育经费的分配与管理,合理利用教育资源,推动教育公平。
  • 推进教育改革: 积极推进教育改革,促进教育现代化,提高教育质量。



  • 促进教育均衡发展: 加大对农村和边远地区教育的扶持力度,实现教育资源的均衡配置。
  • 推动教育信息化建设: 加强教育信息化建设,提升学校教学水平和管理效率。
  • 加强教师培训: 加大对教师的培训投入,提高教师职业素养和教学水平。
  • 推进素质教育: 不断完善教育评价体系,推动学生全面发展,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。



Xi Linhao is special the history of city education bureau

Xi Linhao is special city education bureau holds water at XX year, the orgnaization of one class administration that is subordinate of alliance of Guo Le of Xi Lin of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, be in charge of coaching this city education works as a whole.

Xi Linhao is special the function of city education bureau

Xi Linhao is special the duty of city education bureau includes but not be confined to:

  • Make education develop a program: Be in charge of making this city teach the development of the career to plan, guidance and harmonious and various of all kinds education work.
  • Supervise and urge school administration: Construction of quality of the recruit students of supervisory school, education, faculty, those who ensure educational education works is normal begin.
  • Teach funds allocation: Be in charge of this city teaching the allocation of funds and management, reasonable use educational resource, drive educational fairness.
  • Push educational reform: Push educational reform actively, stimulative education is modern, improve educational quality.

Xi Linhao is special the development foreground of city education bureau

As social development and the progress that teach a career, xi Linhao is special the prospective development of city education bureau basically will center in the following respects:

  • Stimulative education is balanced develop: Increase what teach to country and outlying area to give aid to strength, implementation teachs the balanced configuration of resource.
  • Urge educational informatization construction: Strengthen educational informatization construction, promote level of school teacher and student and management efficiency.
  • Strengthen a teacher to groom: Increase pair of teachers groom devoted, raise pedagogic profession accomplishment and education level.
  • Advance quality education: Ceaseless and perfect education evaluates a system, drive a student to develop in the round, develop innovation spirit of the student and practice ability.

Thank you to read the article, we hope to pass detailed introduction, let you understand stannum more the circumstance of bureau of education of city of Lin Hao spy, help you understand educational orgnaization to teach developing action in place better.

