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1. 编辑引言


2. 营养均衡


3. 发育监测


4. 情感交流


5. 安全防护


6. 训练自理能力





1.Editor foreword

Cradle Yo, it is to show the inchoate life in the child is medium, pass scientific method and effective guidance, the Yo that overall health develops stimulative infant means. Cradle Yo the body and mind that core concept is attention infant is healthy, provide favorable growing environment and effective educational guidance for them. In the article, we discuss development cradle Yo 6 crucial points, help parent understands scientific Yo better importance and method.

2.Nutrition is balanced

In the crucial phase that the infant grows, nutrition is balanced it is crucial. The mother breeds feed is optimal choice, because mother milk contains rich nutrient material, conduce to immune system growth of the infant and cerebrum development. If appear mother milk feed is difficult, can choose milk powder of high grade recipe to have raise, but should choose according to doctor guidance suit darling age paragraph milk powder, undertake strictly making up according to the specification.

3.Development is monitored

The healthy check-up that has an infant regularly and development are evaluated is cradle Yo indispensable one annulus. Below the doctor's guidance, the constitution to darling, grow the respect such as development of curve, cognitive ability, motion undertakes monitoring, can discover a problem in time and take significant interpose step.

4.Affection communication

Firm parentage grows to the infant's health crucial. The parent should pay attention to the affection communication with darling, include the kind such as feeling, eyes communication and oral expression, establish active affection link, conduce to the safe sense that develops darling and trustful feeling, the gregarious ability that is them and mood management lay next good foundations.

5.Safety defends

The safety of darling is cradle Yo first job. The parent needs to do good household safety to defend, avoid darling accident to get hurt. In addition, also want the age according to darling and characteristic, reasonable arrangement their daily activity, assure them to grow in safe environment.

6.Training provides for oneself ability

Provide for oneself appropriately training conduces to those who foster an infant providing for oneself ability and independent character. For example, guide darling to learn his to have a meal gradually, wear the daily life skill such as disrobe, use closet, conduce to them building active ego acknowledge and ego government ability.

Cradle Yo it is scientific Yo main component, wait for a respect through paying close attention to nutrition, healthy, affection and safety, help infant health grows. Hope the article can benefit somewhat to parents, understand better and carry out scientific Yo method, the good future that is darling lays solid foundation.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be offerred for you about cradle Yo economic help.
