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Seek the brigade of cate

As a cate lover, whether are you searching the destination of the brigade of next cate? He lustre is a place that nots allow to miss probably. Regard Chinese cate as the main component of culture, before with its distinctive local color and rich characteristic are attracting countless deadbeats, He lustre cate samples.

Local characteristic cate

He lustre city is located in Shandong to visit department of Chinese and Western, the cate here is paid attention to with its the craft that make is famed with rich taste. Among them, provide most representative should belong toHome Sun thin pancake made of millet flourAndSoup of odd county beef. Home Sun thin pancake made of millet flour with its outside fragile in tender, sweet hot goluptious and suffer deadbeat to love fully, and because Shangze of odd county beef is mixed by its delicious soup tender slippery beef and enjoy high reputation. In addition, he lustre still has a lot of other and worth while the cate that tries, be likeGorgon fruit meal, Fish in sweet and sour sauceEtc, each cate is bearing the weight of local history and culture.

Cate block

In He lustre, want one-time sample a variety of cate, can head forNorth closes cate market, Street of drive river cateWait for a place. These cate streets gathered numerous and classical fastfood with local characteristic cate, it is to sample the superexcellent place to go of He lustre cate. In addition, the cate environment here also does not have distinguishing feature, was full of grumous local amorous feelings.

Cate culture

The cate culture of He lustre is of long standing and well established, bearing the weight of rich historical precipitation and local characteristic. The place besides the tradition is fastfood outside, here still has a lot of food festival that have local distinguishing feature to celebrate an activity, it is another kind of means that savours culture of He lustre cate. In the meantime, in meal place of place, still can experience grumous local characteristic and particular meal culture, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

No matter be the passion to cate, return be pair of place culture to seek, he lustre will make the admirable choice of the brigade of your cate. Here, you can enjoy pure cate to the top of one's bent, experience grumous local amorous feelings, be opposite more greatly the understanding of Chinese cate culture.

Thank you to read this article, the hope carries this article, what can bring you to seek the brigade of cate is cheerful with good news.
