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  • 自然风光: 关山牧场拥有壮丽宽广的草原风景,牛羊成群,湖泊点缀其间,让人感受大自然的魅力。
  • 民俗文化: 可以在牧场体验到蒙古族的传统文化,欣赏到民族歌舞表演,了解他们独特的生活方式。
  • 户外运动: 游客可以尽情挥杆高尔夫,进行骑马、射箭等项目,享受草原户外活动的乐趣。






Close hill grass brief introduction

The prairie scene area that the grass closing hill that is located in Chinese Nei Monggol Autonomous Region is a beauty, the area is vast, the scenery is beautiful, it is the superexcellent place to go that the tourist experiences a pasturing area of prairie culture, experience to live.

Pass guideline of hill grass traffic

The optimal way that heads for grass closing hill is to take a plane to arrive directly at bare peak airport, go to before tool of change public traffic again grass. In addition, driving oneself also is a kind of convenient choice, on the way the scenery is beautiful, road condition is good.

Tourist attraction of grass closing hill introduces

  • Natural scene: Grass closing hill has gallant and broad prairie view, group of flocks and herds, laky ornament meantime, let a person experience the glamour of nature.
  • Folk-custom culture: The traditional culture of the Monggol nationality can experience in grass, admire ethical song and dance, know their individual way of life.
  • Outdoors motion: The tourist is OK to the top of one's bent brandish lever golf, have the project such as equestrian, archery, enjoy a prairie the fun of outdoors activity.

Involve strategy of hill grass amuse oneself

Proposal tourist chooses summerly fall red-letter day to head for grass, weather is delightful, prairie scenery is the most beautiful. Additional, can choose to experience in local folk-custom village the yurt lodges, more blend in local life.

Anyhow, grass closing hill is one place and nature the close, superexcellent place to go that experiences prairie culture, no matter be pursuit lies fallow to go vacationing or experience prairie amorous feelings, can find here contented.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece the travel strategy about Guan Shanmu field, the hope can provide a help for your journey.

