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Yo medium joy

Yo it is a very important segment in every family, however Yo there also can be a lot of challenges and difficulty in the process. And how to let Yo more relaxed and happy, made the central point that a lot of parents pay close attention to. Lunar sauce, a Yo seasoned parent, the Yo that shares her with everybody here experience, let us hear her story together.

Make reasonable Yo plan

Lunar sauce is mentioned, make reasonable Yo the plan is she can enjoy Yo the key of the process. She is met the actual condition of state of affairs of the age according to the child, development and family, the activity of reasonable arrangement child, study and breathing space, the life rhythm that lets whole family is more harmonious.

Pay close attention to growing a bit of the child

In lunar sauce eye, growing a bit of the child is Yo the issue that the person makes happy most in the process. She can spend time and child to undertake communication communicating, the demand that cares the child and experience, encourage the child to try new thing, grow ceaselessly with progress.

Pay attention to a family to kiss child interactive

Lunar sauce thinks, the family is close child interactive not only the feeling between member of OK and promotional family, can create the memory of more joy for the child more. She can have all sorts of interesting outdoors and indoor activities together with the child, for example outing, handiwork is made, read in all etc, let the child be in joy thrive.


The Yo that passes lunar sauce experience is shared, we are deep-felt experienced Yo the joy in the process and happiness. The experience of lunar sauce tells us, reasonable Yo those who pay close attention to growing a bit of the child and family is plan, close child interactive, it is to let Yo more happy key. Let us draw lessons from the experience of lunar sauce together, create the family that a joy grows for the child.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can help you through this article, let Yo the process is more happy!

