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Cat: The pet with long life chooses

CatIt is the pet with a kind of relatively longer life, can live to be normally 15-20 year longer even. The element such as feline life and its breed, lifestyle and food is concerned. Compare a dog, the cat is taken care of more easily, do not need to often walk a dog in that way like the dog, feline host is OK also and more time accompanies it. In addition, the cat is relatively independent animal, suit job is in the home or the person selected choose with life limited space.

Parrot: The choice of life spouse

ParrotIt is the choice with another longer life, they are in get the circumstance of surroundings falls be takinged care of goodly mixing, can live to be 20-30 year. Parrot likes to interact with the person, can become your long-term life partner. But those who require an attention is, parrot needs host to cost proper time to undertake company and training, to a few patience and skill may needing for the person that raises parrot the first time.

Tortoise: Carefree life better

TortoiseIt is the pet choice with another kind of longer life, some tortoises can live to be 50 years even above. Of the tortoise it is relatively easy to raise, they are inferior to the requirement of surroundings, also do not need too much company. Accordingly, suit those to like to live leisurely and can assume responsibility for a long time to patronize the person of pet.

The hope passes the introduction of the article, can help everybody choose the pet with a long life, accompany everybody longer. Thank everybody to read!

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