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Mesa education bureau: One drives the important orgnaization that teachs modernization in the round

Teach the significant section in the system as China, Mesa education bureauAssuming drive the school to teach reform, stimulative education it is rights and interests of student of modern, safeguard, important to strengthen pedagogic team construction to wait duty.

Of mesa education bureau it is OK to establish date from comes XX year, its original intention is to plan as a whole better natural resources of urban and rural education, promote education balanced development. Through old development, mesa education bureau grooms in educational management, persons qualified to teach, the respect such as curricular reform accumulated rich experience, become whole town to teach the important support of the career gradually.

Mesa teachs the duty of the bureau and function

Mesa education bureau basically is in charge of making place teach evolution program, advance rights and interests of teachers and students of educational system reform, safeguard, management to teach funds, promote education informatization construction. Pass orgnaization of various and of all kinds education cooperate, compose of effort of mesa education bureau builds the educational management system that has to perfect, drive the school to teach forward the way of contemporary, multivariate, intelligence develops.

Mesa teachs the history of the bureau and achievement

In a few years of in the past, mesa education bureau falls in the right leader of municipal Party committee, municipal government, insist to establish basic task of De Shuren, deepen educational system reform ceaselessly, advance quality education, realized what education works to span type develops. School education condition is improved significantly, force of persons qualified to teach increases ceaselessly, educational education quality promotes apparently, education obtained remarkable result fairly.

Mesa teachs the future of the bureau to develop prospect

Look into future, mesa education bureau will continue to deepen educational reform, increase educational investment, promotion teachs hardware establishment level, optimize configuration of educational natural resources ceaselessly, drive mesa to teach evolution of career high quality hard. In the meantime, educational bureau still will enhance faculty construction further, advance IT and confluence of educational education deepness, raise school education level ceaselessly, make new larger contribution to develop more and outstanding person with ability.

Analyse through teaching bureau duty, history and the deepness that develop prospect to mesa, we can understand educational bureau better promoting education the fairness of modern, stimulative education, effort that increases educational quality respect and achievement.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the introduction of the bureau to mesa through the article, can understand place to teach development state of affairs better, and educational bureau is teaching the positive effect in the career.

