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魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)作为一款备受瞩目的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,拥有众多的玩家群体。其中,小宠物作为游戏中一项受欢迎的元素,吸引了大批玩家的关注。本文将为您介绍魔兽世界中最受欢迎的10种小宠物,详细分析它们的来源、特点以及在游戏中的实用价值。

1. 龙虾


2. 迷你雷霆王


3. 熊猫人宝宝


4. 小吉米


5. 小拍卖师


6. 伊奇


7. 小拉格隆德


8. 迷你鲨鱼


9. 迷你恐角龙


10. 海盗宝宝





Demon animal world (World Of Warcraft) suffer as an equipment those who fix eyes upon is large much person is online the part acts game, have numerous player group. Among them, little pet serves as a welcome element in game, drew the attention of large quantities of players. The article will introduce the most welcome 10 kinds of in demon animal world little pet for you, labor their origin, characteristic and the economic value in game.


As a welcome little pet, of langouste get way relatively special, normally need has fishing job in order to obtain. Its exterior is luxuriant, lively and lovely, because this equipment gets a player,love. In game, langouste can participate in pet as battle little pet to battle, have taller viability and output harm, because this equipment suffers pet,favor to battle player.

2.Confuse your thunderbolt king

Confusing your thunderbolt king is the little pet of a kind of mechanical type, pass the specific achievement inside game normally rare perhaps drop obtain. Its unique exterior design, physical characteristic and with legend thunderbolt king (Al'ar) associated, make it accepts player favour fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, confused your thunderbolt Wang Yiji's remarkable mechanical technical ability and powerful output capacity to become the principal pet that a lot of players choose.

3.Panda person darling

Panda person darling is the equipment in demon animal world suffer one of little pet that fix eyes upon, can obtain through finishing the sport activity with relevant specific perhaps achievement normally. Its lovely panda person exterior, sweet movement is designed, and as phyletic as panda person dependency, make it good into the mind for numerous player. Be opposite in pet in battle, panda person darling shows remarkable auxiliary technical ability and defense ability, accept player favour fully.

4.Small Jimmy

Small Jimmy is the little pet that comes from kingdom of the eastpart part only, perhaps can accomplish through the task inside game normally obtain. Its clever and the exterior of black and white alternate with, lovely movement and the special skill that are full of gout, make it suffers a player to have deep love for fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, small Jimmy shows remarkable control technical ability and output ability, because this is wide,get player reception.

5.Small actioneer

Small actioneer is one of little pet with the welcome equipment in demon animal world, can be accomplished through finishing specific game normally or the activity is obtained. Its get quite lovely exterior, special actioneer movement design, won numerous player love. Be opposite in pet in battle, small actioneer is had trade distinctly skill and output capacity, because this equipment accepts player favour.

6.Yi Ji

Yi Ji is the little pet that comes from combustion Campagna only, can carry game normally inside rare drop or specific activity is obtained. The exterior design with its combustion peculiar Campagna and special blaze skill, make the attention that it gets a player fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, yi Ji is mixed with technical ability of its fire attribute harmed the effect to become numerous player to seek the target that hold in both hands continuously.

7.Small Lagelongde

Small Lagelongde is the little pet that comes from black Shi Shenyuan only, can carry game normally inside rare drop or achievement is obtained. Its Hei Shi's abyssal and peculiar exterior design and distinctive subterranean city dependency, make it suffers a player to love fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, the small Long Dezhan that press case revealed powerful subterranean city skill and output capacity, because this equipment gets a player,chase after hold in both hands.

8.Confuse your shark

Confusing your shark is a kind of little pet that comes from emerald dream, perhaps can accomplish through specific game task normally obtain. Design of exterior of its ocean biologic and the associated sex with emerald dream, make it accepts player favour fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, confuse your shark to have powerful water property technical ability and viability, because this made the first selection of a lot of players.

9.Confuse you to fear horny dragon

Confusing you to fear horny dragon is a kind of rare little pet, can pass the challenge inside game normally the job is unusual perhaps drop obtain. Its fear the exterior with horny peculiar dragon and the correlation with animal of god of dragon fearing horn, make it suffers a player to fix eyes upon fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, confuse you to feared horny Long Yiji's powerful beast skill and output capacity becoming the pet that numerous player chooses.

10.Pirate darling

Pirate darling is a kind of little pet that has pirate color, perhaps can accomplish through the specific activity inside game normally obtain. Its pirate figure and special captain are dressed up, suffer a player to have deep love for fully. Be opposite in pet in battle, pirate darling is shown gave outstanding control technical ability and output ability, chase after because of what this became numerous player hold an object in both hands.

Pass the introduction of the article, the most welcome little pet in hoping to be able to be broad player to know demon animal world better provides reference. Every little pet has his distinctive glamour and practical, the player can undertake choosing according to his be fond of and game demand. Thank you to read the article, the brigade that hopes to be able to be you to take a risk mediumly in game brings a few helps.
