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  • 天然环保:大自然纯实木地板选用天然木材,无化学添加,具有较好的环保性,对室内空气质量有益。
  • 耐磨耐用:实木地板经过合理的加工处理,硬度高,抗压、抗磨性强,使用寿命长。
  • 舒适脚感:木质材料具有一定的弹性,踩在上面具有一种平和舒适的脚感,冬暖夏凉,符合人体工程学。
  • 经典美观:大自然纯实木地板质地温润,纹理自然美观,营造出质朴、自然的居家氛围。



  • 实木复合地板:由多层不同材质的木片通过胶合制成,具有较好的抗翘曲性能,适用于地暖环境。
  • 实木多层地板:由多层实木薄板通过胶合制成,具有较好的稳定性和耐磨性,价格适中。
  • 纯实木地板:由整段天然木材加工制成,木纹清晰自然,质感上乘,是地板中的高端品类。



  • 1. 选择合适的地板种类:根据房间使用功能、家庭成员等因素选择适宜的地板材料。
  • 2. 地面处理平整:在铺装前,需要保证地面平整、干燥、清洁,确保地板铺装质量。
  • 3. 合理的膨胀缝设置:地板与墙体、门框之间应留有一定的膨胀缝,以应对气候变化引起的地板伸缩。


  • 1. 定期清洁:使用软毛扫帚或吸尘器清洁地板表面,避免灰尘和砂粒对地板造成划伤。
  • 2. 防水防潮:保持地面干燥,避免液体长时间浸泡或积存,以免导致地板变形、发霉。
  • 3. 定期打蜡保养:根据地板使用情况,定期使用地板打蜡产品进行保养,恢复地板光泽。





The advantage of floor of wood of nature simple fact

Floor of wood of nature simple fact, with its the characteristic of natural, environmental protection, wear-resisting, become the flooring that lives in the equipment in decorating to accept favour nowadays. relatively at other flooring, floor of wood of nature simple fact has the advantage with distinct the following:

  • Natural environmental protection: Floor of wood of nature simple fact chooses natural lumber, add without chemistry, have better environmental protection sex, beneficial to indoor air quality.
  • Wear-resisting is durable: Real wood floor passes reasonable treatment processing, hardness is tall, fight pressure, anti-wear properties is strong, service life is long.
  • Comfortable foot feels: Woodiness material has certain flexibility, walk to have a kind of gentle and cozy foot feeling above, wintry warm summer is cool, accord with human body engineering.
  • Classical and beautiful: Lukewarm embellish of quality of a material of floor of wood of nature simple fact, grain nature is beautiful, build the atmosphere occupying the home that gives plain, nature.

The sort of floor of wood of nature simple fact

According to different lumber sort and treatment craft, floor of pure real wood can divide nature roughly it is the following kinds:

  • Solid Mu Fu joins a floor board: By multilayer and different capable person qualitative hub is made through agglutination, it is better to have fight warp function, apply to ground warm environment.
  • Real wood is multilayer floor: By multilayer real wood thin plate is made through agglutination, have better stability and wearability, price moderate.
  • Floor of pure real wood: By whole Duan Tianran lumber treatment is made, wooden grain clarity is natural, simple sense is excellent, it is the high-end category in the floor.

The shop outfit of floor of wood of nature simple fact and maintain

Nature is installed in the shop when floor of pure real wood, need to notice the following:

  • 1.Choose appropriate floor sort: According to the room the element such as member of use function, family chooses appropriate flooring.
  • 2.The ground handles level: Before the shop is installed, need assures ground level, dry, cleanness, ensure the floor spreads outfit quality.
  • 3.Expand reasonably seam a setting: Should stay between floor and wall body, doorcase it is certain to have expand seam, the floor board that causes in order to answer to climate change is adjustable.

Of floor of pure to nature real wood maintain, the following requires special attention:

  • 1.Fixed cleanness: Use down broom or surface of cleaner cleanness floor, avoid dirt and arenaceous bead to cause cut to the floor.
  • 2.Waterproof and moistureproof: Hold the ground dry, avoid a liquid to immerse for long or stockpile, lest cause a floor board,be out of shape, mildewy.
  • 3.Wax regularly maintain: Use a case according to the floor, fixed use floor waxes the product undertakes maintaining, restore floor luster.


Floor of wood of nature simple fact with its natural, comfortable, classical characteristic, make the first selection material that countless families decorate. What enjoying woodiness floor to bring is comfortable and beautiful while, we also should notice to the shop of the floor is installed and maintain, in order to prolong the service life of the floor.

Thank you read, the hope can understand floor of wood of nature simple fact better through the article, the household that is you is decorated provide a few helps.

