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打造企业核心竞争力的有效途径 —— 企业文化口号的重要性英文双语对照


打造企业核心竞争力的有效途径 —— 企业文化口号的重要性英文双语对照







  • 明确企业定位:企业文化口号可以在简洁中准确传达企业的定位,让员工和外界对企业有清晰的认知。
  • 凝聚员工向心力:一个优秀的企业文化口号能够激励员工,激发他们的工作热情和创造力,并且提高员工的归属感和团队凝聚力。
  • 赢得客户认可:企业文化口号能够让客户更好地了解企业的核心价值,潜移默化地影响客户对企业的印象。
  • 倡导企业价值观:企业文化口号是价值观的简洁体现,能够引导员工在工作中践行企业的核心价值观。



  • 简洁而生动: 口号需要简洁地表达企业的核心理念,同时生动形象。
  • 符合企业实际: 口号应该符合企业的实际情况,真实地反映企业文化和经营理念。
  • 激励鼓舞: 口号要能够激励员工和吸引客户,具有感染力和号召力。
  • 与时俱进: 随着企业发展和变化,口号也可以适当进行调整和更新。






Be in the commercial world with current intense competition, the enterprise wants to show itself in the market, need the competition ability of product and service not only, still need to have oneself distinctive company culture. Company culture catchword regards the main show of company culture as the form, bearing the weight of the viewpoint of value of the enterprise and mission, have important sense to organizing inside and outside.

The definition of company culture catchword

Company culture catchword is the concise expression of company viewpoint of value and company mission. It normally by or a few words are formed, the nuclear psychology that can convey an enterprise compactly reads aloud and wish scene. Company culture catchword aims to let employee and outside understand the management concept of the enterprise better, can feel the energy that communicates to company culture place and spirit through catchword.

The importance of company culture catchword

Company culture catchword is acting important role in business development:

  • Make clear company fixed position: Company culture catchword can be in concise in accurate the location that transmits an enterprise, let employee and outside have clear acknowledge to the enterprise.
  • Condense employee centripetal force: An outstanding company culture catchword can incentive employee, stimulate their working enthusiasm and creativity, and raise the attributive feeling of employee and group cohesive affinity.
  • Win a client to approbate: Company culture catchword can let a client know the core value of the enterprise better, client of influence of ground of exert a subtle influence on is right the impression of the enterprise.
  • Advocate company viewpoint of value: Company culture catchword is viewpoint of value is concise reflect, can guide employee to go in the carry out in the job the core viewpoint of value of the enterprise.

How to make appropriate company culture catchword

Make an appropriate company culture catchword need to consider the following aspects:

  • Concise and vivid: Catchword needs to express the core concept of the enterprise compactly, at the same time dramatic image.
  • Accord with an enterprise actual: Catchword should accord with the actual condition of the enterprise, culture of company of bona fide report and management concept.
  • Incentive encouragement: Catchword wants can incentive employee and attract a client, have appeal and appeal power.
  • With when all enters: Develop as the enterprise and change, catchword also can undertake adjust and be updatinged appropriately.


Company culture catchword regards an enterprise as the main component of culture, bearing the weight of the core concept of the enterprise and culture connotation. Through be made meticulously and travelling deep, company culture catchword can affect employee and client in exert a subtle influence on, promote the core of the enterprise competition ability.

Finally, thank you to read the article, believe to know the value that company culture catchword develops to the enterprise, to business management person help somewhat with the meeting when be being made from personnel of course of study and transmitting company culture catchword.
