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  • 商店购买:在老洛阳的宠物商店里,玩家可以花费游戏货币购买自己喜欢的宠物,适合想要特定宠物的玩家。
  • 任务奖励:老洛阳有很多任务可以完成,部分任务完成后会有宠物作为奖励,对喜欢挑战任务的玩家来说是一个非常好的方式。
  • 捕捉获得:在老洛阳的宠物小屋里,玩家可以使用特定道具来尝试捕捉自己喜欢的宠物,适合喜欢冒险的玩家。




The pet of old Luoyang is phyletic

Be in " sword net 3 " in game, old Luoyang offerred the pet of rich diversity to offer player alternative.

It is pet sort A above all, its appearance is lovely, can buy in the department of a certain merchant of old Luoyang obtain.

It is pet sort B next, have high charge power, can obtain through finishing the specific job of old Luoyang.

In addition, still have pet sort C, suit to assist a player to fight very much, can catch in the pet hut of old Luoyang obtain.

Of old Luoyang pet get way

The player can pass a variety of means to get the pet that he likes in old Luoyang.

  • The shop buys: In the pet shop of old Luoyang, the player can cost play money to buy the pet that he likes, suit to want the player of specific pet.
  • Task award: Old Luoyang has a lot of tasks to be able to be finished, the meeting after partial task is finished has pet to serve as award, a first-rate means is for the player of the task to liking a challenge.
  • Catch obtain: In the pet hut of old Luoyang, the player can use specific prop to try to catch the pet that he likes, suit adventruous player.

As a whole, old Luoyang offerred rich pet sort and diversity get way, the player can choose appropriate pet according to his be fond of and game style. Hope the article can choose old Luoyang pet to provide a few helps for you.

Thank you read, hope the article can be for you in game the adventure related to old Luoyang pet is brought a few inspire and help.

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