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  • 翠湖:昆明最为闻名的公园之一,湖水清澈,四季如春,是休闲漫步的好去处。
  • 西山林园:俯瞰昆明全景的最佳地点,登上西山,可以鸟瞰整个昆明市区。
  • 滇池:云南省最大的淡水湖,风景优美,周边有许多特色景点和景区。
  • 昆明市区:步行在昆明市区,欣赏古老的建筑和现代化的摩天大楼,感受昆明的独特魅力。



  • 过桥米线:不可错过的昆明特色小吃,白糊状米线配以丰富的小料,清鲜可口。
  • 火锅:云南的火锅以其独特的辣味和鲜美的食材而闻名,是许多游客的最爱。
  • 汽锅鸡:选用农家鸡,以炭火慢炖而成,汤汁鲜美,喝一口满满的幸福感。
  • 云南过桥米线:以其精湛的制作工艺和独特的口感,吸引着无数食客前来品尝。



  • 云南百年蜜饯:云南著名特产,有上百年历史,具有独特的风味和营养价值。
  • 彝族银饰:彝族是云南的一个重要少数民族,其银饰工艺独特精美,备受游客青睐。
  • 云南普洱茶:以其独特的香气和口感而闻名,是许多人购买的首选特产。
  • 云南百草鞋:选用优质的云南高山百草为原料,鞋底柔软舒适,是许多游客的购物必买品。



Kunming travels: Go surely tourist attraction

The Kunming that is located in Chinese southwest ministry is red-blooded the city with diversiform culture, be known as " spring city " . Regard Yunnan as the metropolis of the province, kunming is having magnificent natural sight and rich historical culture. Will to Kunming travel, need the tourist attraction that go includes:

  • Emerald green lake: One of parks with most famous Kunming, lake water is clear, the four seasons if spring, it is the good place of recreational ramble.
  • Garden of west hill forest: Look down at the optimal ground with panoramic Kunming is nodded, ascend the west hill, urban district of OK and bird's eye whole Kunming.
  • Pool of another name for Yunnan Province: Yunnan saves the biggest fresh water lake, the scenery is beautiful, periphery has a lot of characteristic tourist attractions and scene area.
  • Kunming urban district: Be in Kunming urban district on foot, admire old building and modern skyscraper, experience the distinctive glamour of Kunming.

Kunming cate: Do not provide the Yunnan food of characteristic

Kunming is called " cate is regnal " , having multivariate local cate and distinguishing feature fastfood. Come to Kunming travel, be sure to sample the following cate:

  • Cross bridge rice line: The Kunming distinguishing feature that cannot miss is fastfood, line of white mushy rice matchs with rich little material, clear delicacy is goluptious.
  • Chaffy dish: The chaffy dish of Yunnan is mixed with its distinctive piquancy feed capable person deliciously and famed, be a lot of tourists love most.
  • Boiler chicken: Choose farmhouse chicken, be stewed slow with charcoal fire and become, soup juice is delicious, drink a full happy feeling.
  • Yunnan crosses bridge rice line: With the its masterly craft that make and distinctive mouthfeel, attracting countless deadbeat to come round to sample.

Kunming shops: Experience Yunnan handicraft is tasted

Travel in Kunming, besides the scenery scenic spot, the handicraft that still has a lot of distinguishing feature tastes can buy as souvenir or gift:

  • Yunnan hundred years confiture: Yunnan is famous special local product, have on hundred years history, have distinctive local color and nutrient value.
  • Silver of the Yi nationality is acted the role of: The Yi nationality is a of Yunnan significant minority, its silver acts the role of craft distinctive and elegant, accept tourist favour fully.
  • Yunnan Pu'er tea: Famed with its distinct fragrance and mouthfeel, it is the first selection special local product that a lot of people buy.
  • Yunnan 100 sandals: Choose high grade Yunnan high mountain 100 grass are raw material, sole softness is comfortable, be a lot of tourists shop to be bought surely article.

As a whole, the natural landscape that Kunming travels to be able to admire diversification not only, sample all sorts of cate, return the handicraft that can buy a lot of characteristic to taste. Hope this guideline is right the travel of your Kunming provides a help, thank you to read.

