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  • 山水美景: 庄园内有迷人的湖泊、绿树成荫的小道,环绕着的群山,构成了一幅壮丽的山水画卷。
  • 生态农庄: 庄园内设有生态农庄,游客可以亲手体验农耕乐趣,品尝新鲜农产品。
  • 休闲娱乐设施: 庄园内设有各类休闲娱乐设施,如温泉、SPA、健身房等,能够满足不同人群的需求。
  • 户外运动: 游客可以在庄园内尽情享受户外运动的乐趣,例如徒步、骑行、钓鱼等。



  • 住宿: 庄园内拥有精致舒适的客房,各类房型应有尽有,满足不同客人的需求。
  • 餐饮: 庄园内的餐厅提供各式美食,从当地特色菜肴到国际美食,让您的味蕾得到极致满足。
  • 娱乐: 庄园内设有各种娱乐设施,如游泳池、棋牌室、KTV等,让您的休闲时光更加丰富多彩。
  • 会议及活动: 庄园内配备完善的会议设施,也可举办各类主题活动,满足商务和休闲的双重需求。



  • 欣赏美景: 在庄园内尽情享受大自然的馈赠,放松身心,感受大自然的美好。
  • 体验农庄生活: 亲身参与农庄生活,体验种菜、摘果等乐趣,感受农耕文化的魅力。
  • 尽情娱乐: 享受休闲庄内的各种娱乐活动,尽情释放身心,感受乐活生活。
  • 举办活动: 可以在庄园内举办各类活动,如团建、婚庆等,打造独特而难忘的时刻。





Nature is recreational village: One is the recreational resort of an organic whole with natural be in harmony

Nature is recreational village, as shirt-sleeve natural landscape and recreational recreational are omnibus holiday resort, be located in} of {specific place. Here picturesque scenery, the scenery is picturesque, it is people is far from a city blatant, embrace the good place of nature.

Nature is recreational the characteristic tourist attraction of the village

Recreational Zhuang Yong has nature the characteristic tourist attraction of rich and colorful, among them most absorbing include:

  • Landscape beautiful scenery: Manorial inside have the canal with attractive laky, shady greenery, group of hill that surrounding, formed a gallant landscape picture scroll.
  • Zoology grange: Manorial inside set zoology grange, the tourist can experience with one's own hands farming agrarian fun, taste fresh produce of have a taste of what is just in season.
  • Recreational recreation establishment: Manorial inside set establishment of of all kinds and recreational recreation, wait like hot spring, SPA, gym, can satisfy the requirement of different crowd.
  • Outdoors motion: The tourist can be in manorial inside the fun that enjoys outdoors exercise to the top of one's bent, for example pedestrian, ride travel, fishing to wait.

Nature is recreational the service of the village and establishment

To let a tourist can enjoy recreational time adequately, recreational place of business offerred nature a series of close services and establishment:

  • Accommodation: Manorial inside have delicate and comfortable guest room, of all kinds room have everything that one expects to find, satisfy the requirement of different guest.
  • Meal: Manorial the dining-room inside offers various cate, arrive from local characteristic dish international cate, the taste bud that lets you gets acme is satisfied.
  • Recreation: Manorial inside set all sorts of recreation establishment, wait like room of card of swimming-pool, chess, KTV, the recreational time that allows you more rich and colorful.
  • The conference reachs an activity: Manorial inside deploy perfect conference establishment, also can conduct activity of of all kinds theme, satisfy business affairs and recreational dual requirement.

The travel of recreational place of business learns nature

To visit nature recreational place of business, can enjoy advantaged natural beautiful scenery not only, return the travel project that can experience rich and colorful. Here, you are OK:

  • Appreciation beautiful scenery: Be in manorial inside the gift that enjoys nature to the top of one's bent, loosen body and mind, experience the happiness of nature.
  • Experience grange lives: Share grange life personally, the experience plants dish, pick the fun such as fruit, experience the glamour that Nong Gengwen changes.
  • To the top of one's bent recreation: Enjoy all sorts of recreational activities inside recreational place of business, release body and mind to the top of one's bent, experience happy vivid life.
  • Conduct an activity: Can be in manorial inside conduct of all kinds activity, if the group is built, marriage celebrate etc, make distinctive and unforgettable hour.


Recreational place of business regards nature as a recreational resort that is an organic whole with natural be in harmony, loosen for pursuit, the choice that was close to the people of nature to offer an ideal. Here, the beauty that you can enjoy nature to the top of one's bent and halcyon, those who experience the life is cheerful with satisfied.

Thank you to read the article, hope you can understand nature better through the article recreational place of business, the lies fallow the next time brigade that is you provides a help.

