Children, teenager is mixed the crucial phase that young period is development of individual mental health. The happiness after the mental health convention with good nurturance is grown to future and success are crucial. However, in current society, face concern of school work pressure, family, gregarious challenge to wait for multiple pressure, the mental health issue of children girl youth is increasingly outstanding. Accordingly, train healthy state of mind, attention psychology grows for urgent affairs.
Problem of children adolescent psychologyThe characteristic that gives diversification appears in different age level. Children period, likelihood occurrence angst, much move, attention is not centered wait for a problem; Teenager period, often accompanying the challenge such as ego self-identity, self-respect, gregarious difficulty; And young period, face the choice such as enter a higher school, obtain employment, marriage, appear more easily the psychological worry such as angst of mood wave motion, pressure.
Mental health educationShould make the school and the main component that the family teachs. The school can seek advice from the form such as the service to help a student understand mood management, pressure to release through psychological course, psychology wait for knowledge; The family needs to pay attention to close child communicate, respect individual character characteristic of the child, give them enough support and understanding.
Social part and responsibilityAlso ought to offer active social role and responsibility for adolescent, make they build self-confident heart and sense of responsibility, train active state of mind, establish correct philosophy and viewpoint of value. This can promote health of its body and mind to grow not only, also conduce to social harmony and progress at the same time.
Anyhow, take children girl seriously the mental health of young period, need the attention of whole society and effort. Pass the support of the care of lasting mental health education, family and society only, ability helps adolescent build healthy state of mind, happy grow.
Thank you to read the article, hope the article can provide the help about respect of mental health of children girl youth, cause a society to more attention and pay close attention to.