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  • 银川城墙:作为明代重要的军事城市,银川的城墙至今仍然保存完好,历史悠久,是当地的重要文化遗产。
  • 西夏王陵:西夏王陵是"西夏国"的皇室陵寝,蕴藏着丰富的历史文化内涵,也是中国北方保存最为完好的王陵之一。
  • 沙湖:坐落在银川市区北部的沙湖,是银川市区内最大的湖泊,湖水清澈见底,四周景色优美。
  • 南门大巷:这是银川保存最完好的清代城市民居区,保存着大量的古建筑、宗教建筑和旗袍弄堂,感受浓厚的历史文化氛围。
  • 银川音乐广场:是当地的文化活动中心,经常举办各类文艺表演,也是游客休闲娱乐的好去处。



  • 石泡蒸羊肉:这是宁夏地区著名的美食,采用特有的石泡蒸技艺制成,口感鲜美。
  • 宁夏手工挂面:这种挂面细腻爽滑,有着独特的制作工艺和口感。
  • 清真牛羊肉泡馍:这是宁夏的特色小吃,以清真牛羊肉为配料,入口鲜香可口。
  • 宁夏灌汤包:灌汤包馅料鲜美,汤汁清甜,是当地传统特色小吃。



Yinchuan setting introduces

Yinchuan, it is the metropolis of Chinese Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, also be the politics of this municipality, economy, culture and traffic center. Yinchuan sheds classics whole area because of the Yellow River, be known as " of bright phearl of " Yellow River again, it is a city that has long history and rich culture.

Yinchuan travel tourist attraction is recommended

Travel in Yinchuan, you not allow to miss the following tourist attraction absolutely:

  • Yinchuan city wall: Regard bright generation as main martial city, the city wall of Yinchuan still is saved up to now in good condition, the history is long, it is important culture bequest of place.
  • Hill of king of the Western Xia regime: Hill of king of the Western Xia regime is country of " the Western Xia regime the royalty mausolem of " , contain is worn rich historical culture connotation, also be Chinese north saves one of most in good condition Wang Ling.
  • Sha Hu: Be located in the Sha Hu of north of Yinchuan urban district, it is Yinchuan the biggest inside the urban district laky, lake water is clear see an end, all around the scenery is beautiful.
  • South door big alley: This is Yinchuan saves the wholest clear generation city citizen occupies an area, the ancient building with much in store, religion building and cheongsam alley, experience grumous historical culture atmosphere.
  • Yinchuan music square: It is culture activity center of place, often run of all kinds and literary show, also be a tourist recreational recreational good place.

Yinchuan cate is recommended

Sampling when local cate, you are OK characteristic is delicate under savor:

  • Hotpot of stone bubble evaporate: This is the cate with Ningxia famous area, use craft of peculiar stone bubble evaporate to be made, mouthfeel is delicious.
  • Ningxia handiwork fine dried noodles: This kind of fine dried noodles is exquisite bright slips, having the distinctive technology that make and mouthfeel.
  • Steamed bun of bubble of flesh of Islamic flocks and herds: The characteristic that this is Ningxia is fastfood, it is burden with flesh of Islamic flocks and herds, entrance Xianxiang is goluptious.
  • Ningxia fill dumpling: Makings of fill dumpling stuffing is delicious, shang Zhiqing is sweet, it is local tradition characteristic is fastfood.

Hope directory of this Yinchuan travel can is opposite the travel of your Yinchuan is helped somewhat, thank you read!

