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  • 贯彻落实国家、省、市教育方针政策,制定本市教育规划和发展规划;
  • 组织实施义务教育均衡发展,推进学前教育、高中阶段教育等工作;
  • 加强教师队伍建设,改善办学条件,推进学校安全工作;
  • 推进素质教育,注重学生综合素质的培养;
  • 保障特殊教育的发展,重视残疾儿童、少年的康复教育;
  • 做好教育行政管理、学校管理、考试招生及学籍管理等工作。



  • 教育改革: 推动普惠教育,加强教育公平和质量,促进行政化、产业化、国际化,构建多元化发展格局;
  • 师资队伍建设: 加强教师队伍建设,提高教师职业化水平,促进教师专业成长;
  • 学校安全: 完善学校安全体系,确保师生安全;
  • 学生素质教育: 注重学生综合素质的培养,推动素质教育深入发展;
  • 特殊教育: 关注残疾儿童、少年的康复教育,促进特殊教育事业发展。




Bureau of education of cloud float city: Educational reform, help force future

Bureau of education of cloud float city is the agency of government of people of cloud float city, be in charge of coordinating whole town to teach the job as a whole, drive educational enterprise to develop in the round.

Bureau of education of cloud float city devotes oneself to to promote education quality, stimulative education is fair, promote educational reform, perfect educational system ceaselessly, help force future.

Regard education as systematic controller and server, bureau of education of cloud float city builds modernization to teach a system for compose, the socialistic builder that breeds beautiful service of heart wisdom body to develop in the round makes arduous efforts with successor.

Cloud float city teachs the duty of the bureau

Cloud float city teachs the main responsibility of the bureau to include:

  • Carry out implement policy of policy for education, make this city education plans and develop a program;
  • The organization carries out obligation to teach balanced evolution, push the work such as education of level of preschool education, high school;
  • Strengthen pedagogic team construction, improve managerial condition, advance school security to work;
  • Advance quality education, pay attention to a student the education of integrated quality;
  • Ensure the development of special education, value the rehabilitation education of deformity children, teenager;
  • Do the work such as recruit students of good education administration, school administration, exam and management of one's status as a student.

Cloud float city teachs the working focal point of the bureau

In recent years, cloud float city teachs bureau job key to basically center in the following respects:

  • Educational reform: Drive Pu Hui to teach, enhance educational fairness and quality, stimulative administration is changed, industrialization, internationalization, compose builds diversity to develop pattern;
  • Faculty construction: Strengthen pedagogic team construction, raise pedagogic professionalism level, stimulative teacher major grows;
  • School security: Perfect school installs all department, ensure teachers and students is safe;
  • Student quality teachs: Pay attention to a student the education of integrated quality, drive quality to teach thorough evolution;
  • Special education: Pay close attention to the rehabilitation education of deformity children, teenager, promote development of special education enterprise.

Bureau of education of cloud float city will continue hard, it is in order to teach first, to foster happiness of progress of outstanding talent, stimulative society, construction to did not come indefatigable effort.

Thank you to read the article, hope you are right bureau of education of cloud float city had more thorough knowledge. Rare can help the article the education that you know cloud float town better works, and the duty of door of Ministry of Education and working key.
