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  • 厨房:在煮面时加几滴食用油,可防止面粘在一起。
  • 旅行:在旅行时,将手机放在一个塑料袋中,可以防止手机受潮。
  • 安全:遇到地震时,躲到桌子底下是最安全的,切忌躲在门框旁。
  • 环保:使用可再生材料制成的购物袋,能够减少对环境的损害。
  • 节省:在家用空调时,室内温度每高1度,能源消耗就会增加15%。
  • 健康:饭后半小时再刷牙,可以避免牙齿受损。
  • 养护:冰箱里放上一两块活性炭,能够吸附异味。
  • 防护:外出时,若遇黑夜行走,可将钥匙握在手中,以备紧急情况使用。
  • 防晒:防晒霜的防晒效果在3小时内最好,之后需要重新擦抹。
  • 食品:冷冻的肉类要彻底解冻后再烹饪,以防细菌滋生。
  • 急救:被蚊虫叮咬后,用牙膏涂抹在叮咬处能够减轻瘙痒感。
  • 驾驶:车辆行驶中,遇到大雾天气时,应及时打开双闪灯,以提醒其他车辆。
  • 环境:使用废旧的杂志或报纸来擦拭家具,既环保又省钱。
  • 健康:在使用公共马桶时,请将马桶圈放下后再冲水,以免细菌飞溅。
  • 安全:夜间出行时,应选择光线明亮、人流密集的路线,确保个人安全。




Life little common sense: You cannot insensible lives 15 times skill

No matter be daily life or emergency,fall, master a few simple and economic life little common sense to be able to help us answer all sorts of circumstances better. It is 15 lives skill below, the life that lets you is more relaxed, safer.

  • Kitchen: Oil of a few edible is added when the face that boil, can prevent a face to be stuck together.
  • Journey: When the journey, put the mobile phone in a polybag, can prevent mobile phone be affected with damp be affected with damp.
  • Safe: When encountering an earthquake, hiding is the safest below the table, avoid by all means hides beside doorcase.
  • Environmental protection: Use but the shopping bag that secondary material makes, can reduce the harm to the environment.
  • Economic: When family expenses air conditioning, indoor temperature every are 1 degree tall, the sources of energy is used up can increase 15% .
  • Healthy: Hour of meal second half brushs his teeth again, can prevent dental damage.
  • Conserve: On 9 activated carbon are put in freezer, can adsorptive peculiar smell.
  • Defend: When going out, if encounter a night to walk, can hold the key in the hand, in order to have emergency is used.
  • Prevent bask in: Prevent those who bask in frost bask in the effect best inside 3 hours, need is brushed afresh later.
  • Food: Refrigerant flesh kind after wanting complete defrost again cooking, in case the bacterium is caused.
  • Emergency treatment: After be being bitten by the mosquito, be in with toothpaste daub bite place can reduce Sao urticant feeling.
  • Drive: In car travel, when encountering big mist weather, answer to open double flashlight in time, in order to remind other vehicle.
  • Environment: Use abandon old records or newspaper to wipe furniture, already environmental protection be economical.
  • Healthy: When using communal commode, water pours again after dropping closestool ring please, lest the bacterium splatters.
  • Safe: Nightly piece when travel, should choose the light the course with bright, concentrated stream of people, ensure the individual is safe.

These life little common sense live daily in us probably in not need, but in special hour, they may become us to live to help mediumly straw. The hope passes these little skill, the life that can let us is more safe, convenient.

Thank you to read the article, the life that hopes these life little common sense can give you brings real help.
