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1. 爱与陪伴:无论工作多忙,父母都应该给予孩子足够的关爱和陪伴。这种情感上的投入,对孩子的成长至关重要。

2. 尊重孩子:在教育孩子的过程中,父母要尊重孩子的个性和兴趣爱好,不能任意限制孩子的发展空间。

3. 明确规则:建立明确的家庭规矩和纪律,让孩子知道什么是可以做的,什么是不可以做的。

4. 榜样示范:父母要做孩子的榜样,言传身教是最好的教育方式。

5. 沟通交流:和孩子保持良好的沟通和交流,让孩子愿意分享自己的想法和困惑。


  • 误区一:过分溺爱
  • 方法:建立合理的奖惩机制,给孩子适当的自主权。
  • 误区二:过分苛刻
  • 方法:尊重孩子的个性,让孩子有展示自我的空间。
  • 误区三:单方面灌输
  • 方法:倾听孩子的想法,通过互动教学实现家庭教育的目标。




The value that the family teachs

Domestic education is those who show what parents undertakes to the child is conscious, calculated teachs an activity. It is formed to growing development of the child and individual character have far-reaching effect. The family teachs the first school that is child education, parents is the first teacher that the child teachs.

Scientific and reasonable Yo family education method

1.Love and company: No matter the work is much busy, parents should give the child adequate care and company. The investment on this kind of affection, to the child grow crucial.

2.Esteem child: In the course that teachs the child, parents should value the child's individual character and interest interest, cannot limit development space of the child arbitrarily.

3.Make clear regulation: Build clear domestic rule and discipline, let the child know those who do what to is OK, what can be done.

4.Example sets an example: Parents should make the child's model, teaching by personal example as well as verbal instrution is best educational means.

5.Communication communication: Maintain good communication and communication with the child, let the child be willing to share his idea and bewilderment.

Common error and avoid a method

  • Error one: Beyond the mark and doting
  • Method: Establish mechanism of reasonable rewards and punishment, give the child proper own right.
  • Error 2: Beyond the mark and slashing
  • Method: Respect the child's individual character, let the child have the space that reveals ego.
  • Error 3: One-sided engrafts
  • Method: Listen the child's think of a way, achieve the goal that the family teachs through interactive education.


Pass scientific and reasonable Yo family education, can help child health grow happily, build active philosophy and behavior habit. In the meantime, also can the feeling between promotional family member, stimulative family harmony is stable. Thank you to read the article, the hope is right your Yo the road of family education is helped somewhat.

