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1. 巴彦查干:这里是克什克腾旗最知名的草原景点之一,广袤的草原、清澈的湖泊构成了一幅美丽的画卷。

2. 乌兰哈达火山地质公园:火山地貌景观让人仿佛置身于另一个星球,壮观而神秘。

3. 罕山:这是一处集草原、湖泊、沙地、森林于一体的自然风光区,非常适合户外拓展和徒步。


1. 草原烤羊腿:选用草原上的肥美羊肉,烤制而成,口感鲜美。

2. 奶茶:内蒙古的奶茶醇香浓厚,是草原上最好的解渴饮品。

3. 手抓饼:这是当地特色小吃,香酥可口,是旅行中的美食享受。


1. 自驾路线:可从赤峰市区出发,沿克什克腾旗公路直达,路况良好,沿途风景秀丽。

2. 穿衣建议:克什克腾旗气候多变,建议穿叠加式服装,随身携带防风、防晒用具。

3. 当地礼仪:克什克腾旗居民淳朴热情,与当地人交流时应注意尊重当地的风俗习惯和宗教信仰。



The Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted is driven oneself swim strategy

The Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted is located in city of peak of bare of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region to issue administer, be located in go in for sth in a large scale extensively the arteries and veins that bring mountain range, the beauty that element has " of last Sukhavati of " China praise. Here prairie is stout and strong of capacious, flocks and herds, laky dotted, it is one place draws swimming viatic famous scenic spot oneself aptly.

The Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted will introduce to be driven oneself in detail for you below swim strategy, take you one explore this pure prairie amorous feelings.

The first station: Keshenke vacates banner tourist attraction to recommend

1.Ba Yan is checked dry: Here is one of the Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted's famousest prairie tourist attractions, the prairie of length and breadth of land, clear laky the picture scroll that formed a beauty.

2.Qualitative park of country of fire of black orchid hada: Volcanic appearance landscape lets a person as if place oneself at another heavenly body, grand and mysterious.

3.Rarely hill: This is grass of one office market, laky, sanded ground, forest the natural scene area at an organic whole, suit very much outdoors extend and pedestrian.

The 2nd station: Keshenke vacates banner cate to recommend

1.The prairie bakes ovine leg: Choose the fat hotpot on the prairie, bake make and become, mouthfeel is delicious.

2.Tea with milk: The alcohol of tea with milk of Inner Mongolia is sweet grumous, it is the drink of best satisfy one's thirst on the prairie.

3.The hand catchs cake: This is local characteristic fastfood, sweet crisp goluptious, it is the cate in the journey is enjoyed.

The 3rd station: The journey sticks the Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted person

1.Draw a line oneself: Can set out from bare peak urban district, along the Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted highway arrives directly, road condition is good, on the way the scenery is pretty.

2.Clad proposal: Climate of the Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted is changeful, the proposal wears overlay style dress, carry the root of fangfeng, prevent bask in appliance.

3.Place is formal: The Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted's dweller is honest and enthusiastic, the custom habit that when communicating with local, should notice to respect place and religion are devotional.

Thank you to read the Ke Tengqi that overcome assorted to be driven oneself swim strategy, hope this strategy can provide a few helps for your journey, wish you in Keshenke Teng Qi spends a paragraph of happy, unforgettable time!

