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一、 研究拟定教育工作的方针、政策;起草有关教育的法律、法规草案。

二、 研究提出教育改革与发展战略和全国教育事业发展规划;拟定教育体制改革的政策以及教育发展的重点、结构、速度,指导并协调实施工作。

三、 统筹管理本部门教育经费;参与拟定筹措教育经费、教育拨款、教育基建投资的方针、政策;监测全国教育经费的筹措和使用情况;按有关规定管理国外对我国的教育援助、教育贷款。

四、 研究提出中等和初等教育各类学校的设置标准、教学基本要求、教学基本文件;组织审定中等和初等学校的统编教材;指导中等及中等以下各类教育的教育教学改革;组织对普及九年义务教育、扫除青壮年文盲工作的督导与评估。

五、 统筹管理普通高等教育、研究生教育以及高等职业教育、成人高等教育、社会力量举办的高等教育、成人高等教育自学考试和继续教育等工作。研究提出高等学校设置标准,审核高等学校的设置、更名、撤销与调整;制定学科专业目录、教学基本文件,指导高等学校教育教学改革和高等教育评估工作;负责"211工程"的实施和协调工作。

六、 统筹和指导少数民族教育工作,协调对少数民族地区的教育援助。

七、 规划并指导高等学校的党建工作和各级各类学校的思想政治工作、品德教育工作、体育卫生与艺术教育工作及国防教育工作。

八、 主管全国的教师工作,制定各级各类教师资格标准并指导实施;研究提出各级各类学校的编制标准;统筹规划学校教师和管理人员的队伍建设工作。

九、 统筹管理各类高等学历教育的招生考试工作;制定各类高等学校招生计划;负责各类高等学历教育的学籍管理工作;归口管理高校毕业生就业制度改革,拟定高校毕业生就业政策,组织实施高校毕业生就业分配工作。

十、 规划并指导高等学校的自然科学和哲学、社会科学研究;宏观指导高等学校的高新技术应用研究与推广、科研成果转化和"产学研"结合等工作;协调并指导高等学校承担国家重大科研项目、国防科技攻关项目的实施工作;指导高等学校国家重点实验室、工程研究中心的发展建设。

十一、 统筹管理并协调、指导教育系统的外事工作,拟定出国留学和来华留学管理工作的方针、政策;规划并协调、指导对外汉语教学工作;指导我驻外教育机构的工作。负责协调同香港、澳门特别行政区及台湾地区的教育交流。

十二、 负责教育基本信息的统计、分析和发布。

十三、 拟定国家语言文字工作的方针、政策;编制语言文字工作中长期规划;制定汉语和少数民族语言文字的规范和标准并组织协调监督检查;指导推广普通话和普通话测试工作。


十五、 负责协调“中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会”各委员单位及其他部门、机构与联合国教科文组织开展教育、科技、文化等方面的合作与交流;负责与联合国教科文组织总部、亚太地区办事处、驻京办事处的联系与交流;负责与我国驻联合国教科文组织常设代表团的联络并指导其工作。

十六、 承办国家科技教育领导小组交办事项。

十七、 承办国务院交办的其他事项。 


Ministry of Education is national office, attribute leadership of the State Council. Came 1985 Ministry of Education called country of People's Republic of China educational committee 1998.

Main responsibility

One, the policy that studies protocol teachs the job, policy; The legislation that drafts concerned education, code draft.

2, research puts forward to teach reform and development strategy and countrywide education enterprise to develop a program; The policy that protocol education system reforms and the focal point that teach evolution, structure, speed, coach and coordinate executive work.

3, manage cadre door to teach funds as a whole; Participate in protocol to raise money educational funds, education allocates funds, the policy that teachs capital construction investment, policy; Raise money and use a case what monitor funds of Yo of complete state religion; Manage abroad to borrow money to the educational assistance of our country, education by concerned regulation.

4, in considering to put forward, wait and primary education is of all kinds the setting standard of the school, teacher and student is elementary requirement, teacher and student is elementary file; The organization is authorized and medium fabricate teaching material with all of elementary school; The educational teacher and student that reachs medium and the following of all kinds education waits to reform in guidance; The organization is compulsory to gaining ground 9 years the superintend and director that illiteracy of black prime of life of education, broom works guides with evaluate.

5, self-study of the higher education that manages force of higher education of education of common higher education, graduate student and advanced profession education, adult, society to hold as a whole, adult higher education takes an exam and continue the job such as education. Research puts forward colleges and universities to set a standard, the setting of colleges and universities of examine and verify, more name, cancel and adjust; Make course major catalog, teacher and student basic file, directive colleges and universities teachs education reform and higher education to evaluate the work; Carry out and coordinate the work of " of responsible "211 project.

6, teach the job with directive minority as a whole, the education that coordinates pair of minority areas helps.

7, sanitation of job of the thought politics job that plan and coachs the party of colleges and universities builds the job and various and of all kinds school, moral character education, sports and artistic education job and national defence education work.

8, the teacher that is in charge of the whole nation works, make standard of qualification of various and of all kinds teacher coach carry out; Research raises the staff level of various and of all kinds school; Make overall plans the team of school teacher and administrator builds the job.

9, the entrance exam that manages education of of all kinds and advanced record of formal schooling as a whole works; Make recruit students of of all kinds colleges and universities plan; The management of one's status as a student that responsible and of all kinds advanced record of formal schooling teachs works; Graduate of college of management putting in a mouth 's charge is reformed with respect to industry system, policy of obtain employment of protocol college graduate, the organization carries out college graduate to work with respect to allocation of course of study.

10, plan and coach science of the science of colleges and universities and philosophy, society studies; Achievement of the research of application of new and high technology of macroscopical and directive colleges and universities and promotion, scientific research is changed and " is produced learn to grind the job such as " union; Harmonious directive colleges and universities assumes a country science and technology of project of great scientific research, national defence tackles key problem the executive job of the project; Coach the development of research center of key laboratory of state of colleges and universities, engineering is built.

11, the external affairs that runs system of harmonious, directive education as a whole works, protocol goes abroad to study abroad and come China study abroad the policy that runs the job, policy; The program is harmonious, direct external Chinese education works; Guidance teachs the job of the orgnaization outside my be stationed ining. Be in charge of coordinating the educational communication that is the same as Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan area.

12, the statistic that is in charge of teaching basic message, analysis and release.

13, the guiding principle that character of protocol country language works, policy; In weaving language character works extended program; The standard that establishs Chinese and minority language character and standard organize harmonious supervisory examination; Guidance popularizes mandarin and mandarin test job.

14, make overall plans degree works, draft the code that works about degree; Be in charge of implementing degree system of the country; Each other of reciprocity of the degree between responsible international, degree admits wait for the job; Undertake of committee of degree of the State Council about specific work.

15, responsible and harmonious " committee of whole nation of Chinese U.N. Educational " branch of etc of unit of each committee member, orgnaization and the collaboration that U.N. Educational develops the field such as education, science and technology, culture and communication; Be in charge of the connection with the agency of area of U.N. Educational headquarters, Asia-Pacific, agency that be stationed in Beijing and communication; The contact that is in charge of be stationed in delegacy of U.N. Educational standing with our country coachs its work.

16, undertake group of leader of education of national science and technology is handed in handle matter.

Seventeen, undertake the State Council makes the any other business that do.
