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真武大帝和东岳大帝都是道教神仙,并无官职高低之分。 在中国民间传说中东岳大帝主管世间一切生物(植物、动物和人) 出生大权的,东岳大帝是上天与人间沟通的神圣使者,是历代帝王受命于天,治理天下的保护神,成为民间宗教信仰之一。 真武大帝是中国神话传说中的北方之神,为道教神仙中赫赫有名的玉京尊神,真武大帝本为颛顼的辅佐之神玄武,后来真武大帝接替北方天帝颛顼成为镇守北方的天帝,颛顼则成为统治阴间的酆都大帝。












Is Yue Dadi The Jade Emperor east?


Yue Dadi is father-in-law god east. According to " 3 teach headstream search divine encyclopedia " say, yue Dadi is Pan Gu family name east what Wang Shaohai and fairy of wife cover fishing line give birth to Jin Lun of 9 worlds descendants child, first renown Jin Hong. Jin Hong have rendered great service is in long Bai Shan, a beast of uniform color for sacrifice to volt seal when the family name for an ancient name for the planet Jupiter. To the god farming face, accord with favor a day official, gentleman of number name government office. When Han Mingdi, marshal of Feng Weitai hill. Arch hangs down 2 years after Tang Wu (686 years) , feng Dongyue is " the king in day of divine high mountain " . The first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of exceeding lofty or great of the banzai after fierce (696 years) honour for " Tian Qijun " . Tang Xuan Zong Kaiyuan 13 years (725 years) add " day Qi Wang " . True Zong Dazhong of the Song Dynasty the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of auspicious accord with (1008) , instruct king of neat Ren Sheng of Feng Dongyue day, 4 years honour for the Supreme Being, say " neat Ren Shengdi of Dong Yue day " . Magical to the father-in-law sacred with believe in, from antediluvian 3 generation have. 3 generation civilian house is taken downstream in the Yellow River, reason the emperor " with the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of hold a memorial ceremony for of hematic hold a memorial ceremony for, 5 offer sacrifices to, the Five Mountains " , among them the length of the Five Mountains is a father-in-law, the father-in-law is by address sb respectfully an administrative unit in Xizang of another name for Taishan Mountain. " custom is connected justice " bring Confucius language to say, " Feng Taishan, buddhist bridge father, can be gotten and count, 70 have 2 " , should show Wang Zhe result becomes a buddhist, in order to accuse the meaning of heaven and earth. After Han Wei, taoism follow is ancient make, act according to great emperor of worshipping Dong Yue.

Napoleon great emperor?

Napoleon is the character of Hu Xiao of the Dou Jiayu on Europe and French history, he in those days on the make, want to unite Europe directly, but be in the moment of truth, confronted the serious failure in life twice however, especially after the battle of quadratic slippery Tielu fails, napoleon also does not have the opportunity of stage a comeback again.

Nevertheless Napoleon great emperor is the rare crackajack militarist on the history and the strategist that have lofty aspirations and great ideals really, but he has a lot of defect and inadequacy, dispute often is worth the world history character that later generations development studies.

With triumphant scatter the great emperor with great likewise fierce emperor?

The those of Russia gets great emperor, of England inferior king of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument, tang Taizong of emperor of Han Wu of Qin Shi emperor

Those gets generation · A to list Kexieyeweiji (on June 9, 1672, on Feburary 8, 1725) [1] , history call Peter generation, later ages address sb respectfully its get great emperor for those

It is A row overcomes those who thank generation child, dynasty of husband of Nuo of Russia Luo Man the 5th czar (in April 1682, with Ivan 5 worlds were treated in all 1696) , emperor of Russia Caesarean first place (on November 2, 1721, on Feburary 8, 1725 v/arc be on the throne) , on Russia history two only " great emperor " one of.

Are Dong Yue great emperor and a surname big the Supreme Being who is big?

Yue Dadi calls a father-in-law the god again east, it is nether one party deities, good or ill luck of good fortune of manager world disaster, and government office of ground of 18 the nether world, with Oriental Yu Baohuang God honour position comparatives great emperor of original Dong Yue, be equivalent to that is to say 10 level, hold two or more posts concurrently plus him however government office of ground of 18 the nether world advocate official this one element, his level raised one level again, be equivalent to 9 sunlight astral gentleman level.

Dong Yue great emperor

Say a surname is big again finally the Supreme Being, a surname is big the leader that the Supreme Being is government office of ground of the nether world, he is to grasp those who have real power, yue Dadi is reputation leader only east, real work is great emperor handles a surname, however the subordinate that his after all is Dong Yue great emperor, if Dong Yue is big because the Supreme Being holds two or more posts concurrently however 9 sunlight the word of level, so a surname is big the Supreme Being because in control of is Acheron, power is very heavy, it is OK ascend body of 10 Fang Tianzun level. That is to say a surname is big the Supreme Being is 10 level.

The distinction of great emperor of silver-colored armour great emperor and lion vulture?

Great emperor of silver-colored armour great emperor and lion vulture has a few distinction in a few respects. Above all, silver-colored armour great emperor is the mysterious part in a kind of fokelore, he is depicted to be a whole body to wrapping around normally Yin Jia's soldier, powerful force and technical ability are had in the battle. Under photograph comparing, lion vulture great emperor is a kind of synthesis biology that is similar to the lion and eagle, have the wing of leonine body and eagle. It is regarded as tremendous power the fierce person that guard, often be used to protective treasure is domanial perhaps. Next, what silver-colored armour great emperor is depicted to be justice in a lot of culture is indicative, representing courage and honor, often fight with evil force and protect people. And lion vulture great emperor is depicted to be the person that guard and ruler normally, indicative authority and influence, it is a kind of august and powerful existence. In addition, great emperor of silver-colored armour great emperor and lion vulture is having different figure and part in fairy tale and literary work, acting unique role and mission severally. As a whole, although great emperor of silver-colored armour great emperor and lion vulture is the part in myth, but there are a few distinctions on figure, symbolic significance and part fixed position.

Is smooth Wu Dadi true Wu Dadi?

Smooth Wu Dadi is not true Wu Dadi, one is a person, one is a god.

Liu of emperor of Han Shizu smooth fierce is beautiful (BC at the beginning of 6 years of the twelfth month of the lunar year 6 - the Christian era the 5) at the beginning of 57 years Feburary, word article father's younger brother, person of in relief county of Nanyang county Cai, be born in in relief county of Chen Liujun aid (today Henan orchid is taken an examination of) , emperor of found a state of the Eastern Han Dynasty, chinese historic politician, militarist.

True Wu Dadi, weigh black Wu Dadi originally, true Zong Dazhong of the Song Dynasty auspicious accord with 5 years, change to evade the name of Xuan Lang of Song Shengzu Zhao call true connecting with the boxing skill. For the illustrious and famous honour god in Taoism immortal, hubei fierce is become the Taoist or Buddhish rites that hill is true Wu Dadi.

Is Chinese fierce great emperor true Wu Dadi?

Either, true Wu Dadi calls Xuan Tian god again, folk is mixed the northward Xuan Wu that Taoism honour acts according to is magical. True fierce is Xuan Wu, for one of 4 emperor animal, < Chinese fierce great emperor " prototype is Liu Che of Han Wu emperor. Liu Che (BC 156 years - BC 87 years on March 29

Great emperor of true Wu Dadi and Dong Yue which big?

Great emperor of true Wu Dadi and Dong Yue is Taoism immortal, do not have the cent of official position discretion. In Chinese folklore middle east Yue Dadi is in charge of worldly all biology (plant, animal and person) be born of authority, yue Dadi is the divine emissary that God and world communicate east, it is past dynasties monarch recieves orders Yu Tian, the protection that governs the world is magical, become one of civilian religion belief. True Wu Dadi is the northward god in Chinese mythological fokelore, the illustrious and famous Yu Jingzun in be Taoism immortal is magical, true Wu Dadi is the divine Xuan Wu of the assist a ruler in governing a country of Zhuan Xu originally, true later Wu Dadi replaces Xu of Zhuan of northward day emperor to become the day emperor of guard north, zhuan Xu makes regnant and Acheron a surname great emperor.

Is great emperor of umbra great emperor and way way fierce?

Great emperor of umbra great emperor and way way is the very powerful role in demon animal world, very it's hard to say who is fiercer. Umbra great emperor is the cacique of combustion army group, have powerful umbra blackart and call capacity. And the descendant that way way great emperor is Tai Tan, mastering the power of time and space. Both is shown in battle and regnant respect gave extraordinary ability, but their actual strength and skill also differ somewhat in game. So, cannot say who is more powerful simply.

The story of great emperor of lion vulture great emperor and silver-colored armour?

Hello, say as it is said, great emperor of lion vulture great emperor and silver-colored armour is two mythological parts that own powerful force.

Lion vulture great emperor is the mythological live thing that has lion body and accipitral head only, a he is regnant capacious territory, have numerous epigone. His influence comes from at his unapproachable force and wisdom, his territory got peace and prosperity.

Silver-colored armour great emperor is a body wraps around the gallant soldier of argent armature, he has endless force and courage, his target is the people that protects him and territory. His battle skill is very excellent, his enemy is unmanned and OK compare.

A day, the territory of great emperor of lion vulture great emperor and silver-colored armour encountered, they are known each other and became a good friend. They shared each other story and experience, be helped each other and support.

However, unfortunate is, an atrocious army assaulted the territory of lion vulture great emperor suddenly. Lion vulture great emperor and his epigone was in tiredly in the castle, they are overpowering the enemy's attack.

Silver-colored armour great emperor was informed this message, he guides his soldier to come round to assist instantly. He and his army fights courageously, beat the enemy successfully finally and rescue lion vulture great emperor and his people.

Thenceforth rises, great emperor of lion vulture great emperor and silver-colored armour became permanent friend, and their territory also becomes more peace and prosperity.

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