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满族传统住房一般为西、中、东三间,大门朝南开,西间称西上屋,中间称堂屋东间称东下屋。西上屋设南、西、北三面炕,西炕为贵,北炕为大,南炕为小,来客住西炕,长辈多住北炕,晚辈住南炕。忌讳:室内西炕不得随意坐人和堆放杂物;忌打狗、杀狗和忌食狗肉;不戴狗皮帽、不铺狗皮褥,忌 讳戴狗皮帽或狗皮套袖的客人。



图为一位满族新娘正在梳理她的结婚发式。旗袍是满族男女老少一年四季都穿着的服饰,它裁剪简单,园领,前后襟宽大,而袖子较窄,四片裁制,衣衩较长,便于上马下马;窄窄的袖子,便于射箭。由于袖子口附有马蹄状的护袖,又称马蹄袖。在满族人逐渐脱离骑射生涯后,马蹄袖已成装饰,而放下马蹄袖仍然是满族人对长者、尊者致敬的礼仪。 妇女旗袍的装饰性比男性旗袍更强。领子、前襟和袖口都有绣花装饰。随着时代的变迁,旗袍式样的变化也很大,四片裁制也改为两片裁制。旗袍能很好表现妇女的身段和曲线。图为满族妇女在旗袍外套穿的马甲。绣有精致图案。穿旗袍跳宫廷舞的满族妇女。穿着传统满族旗袍的男子,包括带箭袖的长袍和一袭 马甲,以及满族男性的帽子。

婚俗: 满族婚礼既带有本民族浓厚的特点,又融合了不少汉民族的风俗礼节,一般地讲要经过以下程序:

订婚:满族青年男女订婚有两种形式。一是男女青年的家长是熟人或朋友,相互了解,有意做亲,便 托媒人给子女许订终身,有的是男方向女方求婚,有的是女方向男方求婚。

另一种是男女双方互不认识,托媒人为子女订婚,并由媒人转交双方的“门户贴”,开具双方的旗佐、履历、姓氏、三代。此外,还要互相检验生辰八字。 放定:即递财礼。分放大定和放小定两种。放小定是未来的媳妇拜见姑母兄嫂等男方家至亲时,得到财物。放大定叫做“过大礼”,俗称“下大菜”,就是选择吉日,男方将聘礼送到女方家。

结婚前一日,送亲的要喝“迎风酒”。新娘则离家到男方借好的寓所住宿,俗称“打下发”。次日清晨,女方家用彩车送亲,由其哥哥护送。彩车到新郎家时,洞房门前的地上放有一火盆,让喜轿车抬着新娘从火盆上经过,俗称“过火避邪”。为赶走或杀死随轿而来的鬼怪,新郎要向轿门虚射三箭;也有实射的,但一般都是朝轿底射,以免伤着新娘。 接着,新娘被人扶出轿来到天地前,同新郎一同向北三叩首,俗称“拜北斗”。拜完北斗后举世闻名行“撇盏”仪式。即头戴红盖头的新娘和新郎,面朝南跪在院中神桌前,桌上供猪肘一方、酒三 盅、尖刀一把,萨满单腿跪在桌前,一面用满语念经,一面用尖刀把肉割成片抛向空中,同时端酒盅齐把酒泼到地上。

主要目的是乞求上苍保佑新婚夫妇,使他们子孙满堂,白头偕老。举行完以上这些仪式后,新娘由全科人(即父母子女俱全的人)搀进洞房。新娘过门坎时,在门坎上放有一副马鞍,新娘必须从上面跨过去。新房的床铺必须全科人铺设,洞房铺好后要在房内奏乐,称 “响房”。

新娘入洞房时,一小女孩手拿两面铜镜,对新娘照一下,然后把铜镜挂在新娘的前胸后背。接着,另一小女孩递过两只锡壶,里面盛有米、钱等,新娘或抱在怀里,或夹在腋窝,俗称“抱宝瓶”,又叫“抱保媒壶”。当新娘在床上坐稳后,新郎用秤杆把罩在新娘头上的红布揭去,叫做 “揭盖头”。


食俗: 满族民间农忙时日食三餐,农闲时日食二餐。主食多是小米和高梁米、粳米、干饭,喜在饭中加小豆或粑豆,如高梁米豆干饭。有的地区以玉米为主食,喜以玉米面发酵做成“酸汤子 ”。东北大部分地 区的满族还有吃水饭的习惯,即在做好高梁米饭或玉米馇子饭后用清水过一遍,再放入清水中泡,吃时捞出,盛入碗内,清凉可口。

这种吃法多在夏季。 满族的饽饽历史悠久,清代即成为宫廷主食。其中最具代表性的是御膳“栗子面窝窝头”,也称小窝头。满族点心萨其玛也成为全国著名糕点。较著名的还有清东陵糕点,也称清东陵大饽饽,北京小吃墩饽饽,河北承德小吃油酥饽饽,湖北荆州小吃猪油饽饽等。


典型食品: 满族居住分散,各地均有代表性的典型食品,主要有: ① 白肉血肠。 ② 火锅。满族传统风味菜肴。 ③ 酸汤子。辽宁岫岩满族的典型食品。 ④ 清东陵糕点。也称清东陵大饽饽。 节庆: 传统节日主要有春节、元宵节、二月二、端午节和中秋节。 节日期间一般都要举行“珍珠球”、跳马、跳骆驼和滑冰等传统体育活动。 颁金节:是满族“族庆”之日。1635年农历10月13日,皇太极发布谕旨,正式改族名“女真”为 “满洲”,这标志着一个新的民族共同体的形成。1989年10月,在丹东“首届满族文化学术研讨会”上,正式把每年的12月3日定为“颁金节”。

上元节:即正月十五日,俗称“元宵节”。同汉族一样,满族也有元宵挂彩灯和吃元宵的习俗。牋 ?走百病:满族妇女的节日。一般在正月十六日。当晚,妇女们三五成群,结伴远洲,或走沙滚冰, 或嬉戏欢闹,叫做“走百病”。 清明节:上坟祭祖时不像汉族纸钱后在坟顶上压钱,而是在坟上插“佛朵”。

“佛朵”是满语,译为汉语为“柳”或“柳枝”。根据满族信仰,柳是人的始祖,人是柳的子孙,为表明后继有人,要在坟上插柳。 端午节:满族过端午节吃粽子、划龙舟,其风俗与汉族相同。 中元节:满族以七月十五为中元节,也视为超度亡灵的“鬼节”。届时,各处寺院设立道场,燃灯念经,要举行各种超度仪式。

中秋节:满族人家过中秋节也吃“团圆饭”。此外,月亮初升之际,还要供月。即在院内西侧向东摆一架木屏风,屏风上挂有鸡冠花、毛豆枝、鲜藕等,为供月兔之用。屏风前摆一张八仙桌,桌上供 一大月饼。祭时,焚香磕头,妇女先拜,男人后拜。 腊八节:满族人家腊月初八要泡“腊八醋”和煮“腊八肉”。 除全家人吃外还要分送亲友。 小年:满族过小年的习俗与汉族相同。腊月二十三日为“小年”。届时家家户户要祭祀灶神,俗称 “送灶王爷 参考文献: 。


Consuetudinary: Elder of Manchu give presents, pay attention to ceremony, elder is encountered on the road, want on one's side small bend forward, hang down hand greeting, wait for elder to had gone to go again; Not only junior saw elder wants salute, saw youngly in compeer philtrum old also want salute to send one's respects to. Relatives and friends meets, outside respecting a greeting except handclasp each other, some still holds a waist in the arms to accept face gift all right. When crossing the Spring Festival, should do obeisance to two second year, year 30 do obeisance to in the evening, for demit old year old, the beginning of the year is done obeisance to again and again, make greet the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day.

Manchu and traditional housing is commonly on the west, medium, east 3, leave south gate face, on the west say to house boards on the west, central room says among east say east next house. House goes up to set on the west south, on the west, north 3 kang, kang is on the west expensive, boreal kang is big, kang is south small, guest lives on the west kang, elder lives more boreal kang, junior lives south kang. Abstain from: Indoor kang must not take support of the people to pile up at will on the west sundry; Avoid makes a dog, reduce dog and diet dog meat; Do not wear dogskin hat, do not spread dogskin cotton-padded mattress, abstain from the guest that wears dogskin cap or dogskin oversleeve.

Dress: Manchu man leaves old times send bundle of plait, wear A Chinese-style unlined garment of gown of horse's hoof sleeve, the woman wears cheongsam of bounty straight canister, day sufficient, move spends a shoe. Dress of clear acting full pattern ever shed a whole nation, take form with the Han nationality now same. Manchu woman does not pester a foot, what write shoe embroider to have beautiful ornamental design, fill up in the center of sole have the woodiness heel with 10 high centimeter, manchu woman is wearing such shoe to take a route, can maintain hold one's head high the gait that the body appearance that holds out a bosom and lumbar limb sway.

The hairdo change of Manchu woman is very big, girl times, only simple gangmaster hair is pulled after the head. Grow fast when getting married, be about to comb the hair into braid and pull single shot hair worn in a bun or coil, postnuptial hairdo has type of type of double hair worn in a bun or coil, odd hair worn in a bun or coil to wait a variety of, hair of gangmaster of hair style of type of double hair worn in a bun or coil combs from cent of the top of head for around two parts. Hair worn in a bun or coil combs before flat-roofed shape, so that wear a hat, the hair worn in a bun or coil after the neck combs swallow end account, after leg extend leaves come, it makes neck child the position that always should keep erect, accordingly, manchu woman walks along a road to come more appear nobility, dignity.

The marriage that the graph is combing her for a Manchu bride hairdo. The cheongsam is the dress that Manchu men and women is wearing all the year round, it cuts out simple, get field, around front of a garment is wide, and arm is narrower, 4 are cut into parts make, garment vent in the sides of a garment is longer, discontinue of facilitating mount a horse; Narrow narrow arm, facilitating archery. Because arm mouth protects sleeve with equestrian ungulate, call horse's hoof sleeve again. Break away from gradually in Manchu ride after shooting career, horse's hoof sleeve already became adornment, and put down horse's hoof sleeve to remain Manchu to be opposite better, honour person of greeting formal. The adornment sex of woman cheongsam is stronger than male cheongsam. Collar, the front part of a Chinese robe or jacket and cuff have embroider adornment. As the changes of the times, the change of cheongsam style is very big also, 4 are cut into parts make also instead is cut into parts two pieces make. The figure of woman of can very good expression mixes the cheongsam curve. The graph is the waists-coat that Manchu woman wears in cheongsam coat. Embroider has delicate pattern. Wear a cheongsam to jump the Manchu woman of palace dance. The man that wearing traditional and Manchu cheongsam, include to take the aba of arrow sleeve and a waists-coat, and the cap of Manchu male.

Marriage common: Manchu wedding contains the characteristic with this rich people already, shirt-sleeve many Chinese custom ceremony of the nation, popularly tells should pass the following program:

Be engaged: Manchu youth men and women is engaged have two kinds of forms. The parent that is young men and women is acquaintance or friend, understand one another, do of purpose close, hold go-between in the palm to give children Xu Ding lifelong, have a plenty of male orientation woman to propose, have a plenty of female direction man to propose.

Another kind is each other of both sides of male and female is not known, the person that hold intermediary in the palm is engaged for children, and by go-between pass on bilateral " the portal is stuck " , open bilateral banner assist, personal details, surname, 3 era. In addition, examine each other even birthday character 8. Put calm: Give money gift namely. Cent enlarge is decided and put small decide two kinds. Put small the daughter-in-law that is future surely pays a formal visit when the man home close kin such as elder brother's wife of aunt elder brother, obtain property. Enlarge is called surely " Guo Dali " , common says " next big vegetable " , choose auspicious day namely, the man sends the woman the home betrothal gift.

Before marrying one day, send want in person to drink " with the wind wine " . The bride leaves home to lend good dwelling place accommodation to the man, common says " dozen allot " . Morrow early morning, float of woman family expenses sends close, by convoy of its elder brother. When float reachs bridegroom home, put on the ground before bridal chamber door have one brazier, let be fond of a car to carrying the bride is passed from brazier, common says " ham avoid unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease " . To drive away or kill the phantom that follow sedan and comes, bridegroom should fire 3 arrows to litter door empty; Also have solid shoot, but it is face litter bottom is shot commonly, lest hurting a bride. Then, the bride is helped up to give litter to come to the front of heaven and earth, with bridegroom together northerly 3 kowtow head, common says " do obeisance to north to fight " . After doing obeisance to north to fight world-famous travel " cast aside small cup " ceremony. Namely the bride that the head wears red lid head and bridegroom, the genuflect austral look out is in in the courtyard before divine table, desk offer up a sacrifice pig ancon one party, wine 3 handleless cup, dagger, genuflect of leg of Sa full sheet is before the desk, use full language recite scriptures at the same time, cut with pointed hilt flesh at the same time piece cast to the middle of sky, at the same time upright a small handless wine cup spills wine together to the ground.

Main purpose is beg God blesses newlywed, make their descendants full hall, live to old age in conjugal bliss. Hold above after these ceremonies, bride by whole family person (namely the person of parental children completely) help by the arm enters bridal chamber. When bridal move into one's husband's household upon marriage pits, put on door bank have a pair of saddle, bride must from above cross the past. The bed of bridal chamber must laid of whole family person, after bridal chamber has been spread, should be inside the room play music, say " noisy room " .

When the bride enters bridal chamber, hand of one little girl takes two sides bronze mirror, illuminate to the bride, hang bronze mirror in the back after bridal prothorax next. Then, another little girl has given two stannum bottle, fill inside rice, money waits, bride or hold in the arms in the bosom, or clip is in axillary, common says " hold Aquarius in the arms " , cry again " caress the bottle that protect intermediary " . Sit on the bed when the bride firm hind, bridegroom uses weighbeam to uncover the hood in the red cloth on bridal head, be called " the head that lift a lid " .

It is husband and wife is drunk next make a cup of wine, eat add up to happy face, macrobian face or descendants pastry to wait.

Eat convention: Time of Manchu folk busy season eats 3 food, slack season time eats 2 food. Staple food is millet and sorghum rice, rice, cooked rice more, happy event red bean or cake beans are added in the meal, be like cooked rice of sorghum rice ancient stemmed cup or bowl. Some areas are staple food with corn, face of Xi Yiyu rice ferments make it " acerbity Shang Zi " . Of northeast major area Manchu the habit that still has draft meal, doing good sorghum rice or corn cook and stir namely child pass with clear water after the meal, put the bubble in clear water again, the fish out when eating, fill a bowl inside, cool and refreshing and goluptious.

This kind eats a law to be in more the summer. Manchu pastry history is long, clear generation makes palace staple food namely. Provide most among them representative is drive board " chestnut face steamed bread of corn " , also call fossa the head. Manchu mug-up Sa Jima also makes countrywide famous cake. Famouser still have Qing Dongling cake, also call Qing Dongling big pastry, pastry of Beijing fastfood mound, heibei bear heart is fastfood short pastry, city of Hubei chaste tree is fastfood and lardy pastry.

Northward winter weather is cold, without fresh vegetable, manchu folk often bloats with Qiu Dongzhi border the Chinese cabbage of be soiled (namely pickled Chinese cabbage) for main vegetable. Use as it is said bloat the method of be soiled stores vegetable, only then Yu Qingshun is treated year. Using pickled Chinese cabbage to boil plain boiled pork, noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch is Manchu the cooked food that after entering a winter, often eats. Manchu people loves to eat pork, commonly used the method that boils in vain is cooked. That house has the Manchu cafeteria of Liaoning Shenyang city of 100 old histories, the black pudding of plain boiled pork that this inn manages, be known as authentic Manchu gust.

Typical food: Live together as a clan to disperse completely, each district all has representative typical food, basically have: Black pudding of ① plain boiled pork. ② chaffy dish. Dish of Manchu and traditional gust. ③ acerbity Shang Zi. The typical food with Liaoning caving Manchu cliff. Cake of ④ Qing Dongling. Also call Qing Dongling big pastry. The section celebrates: Traditional festival basically has the Spring Festival, festival of lanterns, Feburary 2, dragon boat festival and the Mid-autumn Festival. Should hold commonly during the festival " pearl ball " , vaulting horse, jump camel and skate wait for traditional sports activity. Promulgate golden section: It is Manchu " a group of things with common features celebrate " day. 1635 the traditional Chinese calendar on October 13, emperor too extremely issue instruct decree, change nomen formally " Nuuzhen " for " full continent " , this mark is worn the formation of a new ethical community. In October 1989, in red east " seminar of learning of first Manchu culture " go up, formal annual will be surely on December 3 " promulgate golden section " .

Go up yuan of section: Namely the first month of the lunar year 15 days, common says " the festival of lanterns " . Like be the same as the Han nationality, manchu also have Yuanxiao be wounded in fight the lamp and those who eat Yuanxiao is consuetudinary. ? Take 100 disease: The festival of Manchu woman. Be in commonly the first month of the lunar year 16 days. That evening, women in threes and fours, accompany is far continent, or go sanded to roll ice, or play frisky, be called " take 100 disease " . Tomb-sweeping day: Hold a memorial ceremony for of visit a grave to cherish the memory of the dead ancestor when fund is controlled on graveyard top after paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead of unlike the Han nationality, insert on grave however " Buddha " .

"Buddha " it is full language, interpret is for Chinese " willow " or " sallow " . According to Manchu belief, willow is the person's first ancestor, the person is the descendants of willow, to make clear succeed somebody, want to insert willow on grave. Dragon boat festival: Manchu cross dragon boat festival to eat a zhongzi, delimit dragon boat, its custom and the Han nationality are identical. Medium yuan of section: Manchu with in July 15 in be yuan section, also regard release souls from purgatory as the soul of a deceased person " spirit division " . At the appointed time, everywhere fane establishs Taoist or Buddhish rites, light lamp recite scriptures, want to hold ceremonies of all sorts of release souls from purgatory.

The Mid-autumn Festival: Manchu home crosses the Mid-autumn Festival to also eat " reunion meal " . In addition, during rising at the beginning of the moon, offer a month even. It is namely inside the courtyard side places screen of a wood eastwards on the west, hang on screen branch of cockscomb, young soya bean, bright lotus root waits, it is those who offer lunar hare to use. A piece of old fashioned square table for eight people is placed before screen, desk offer up a sacrifice cake of one a solar month of 31 days. When hold a memorial ceremony for, cense kowtow, the woman is done obeisance to first, man hind is done obeisance to. Dried meat 8: At the beginning of Manchu home the twelfth month of the lunar year 8 want bubble " dried meat 8 vinegar " and boil " dried meat 8 flesh " . Outside eating except family person even send relatives and friends. Off year: Manchu those who spend off year is consuetudinary as identical as the Han nationality. The twelfth month of the lunar year is 23 days " off year " . At the appointed time every family wants sacred kitchen god, common says " send kitchen king father bibliographical reference: .

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