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人造雪大班教案? 大班香甜粽子教案?英文双语对照


人造雪大班教案? 大班香甜粽子教案?英文双语对照


教案:人造雪大班教学活动目标学生群体:大班学生(3-5岁)教学目标:1. 了解和认识人造雪的特点和制作原理。2. 培养学生对自然现象的好奇心和探索精神。3. 提高学生整体动手能力和团队合作意识。教学准备:1. 环保材料,例如椰子壳碎片、竹片、彩纸等。2. 适量的食用盐和小麦粉。3. 清水和大型容器。4. 学生手工工具,如剪刀、胶水等。5. 讲解人造雪制作原理的图片或视频。教学过程:1. 导入活动(10分钟) 通过问问题或观察图片的方法引出主题,例如“你们喜欢看雪吗?今天我们将要做一种特殊的雪-人造雪!你们知道什么是人造雪吗?”2. 讲解人造雪制作原理(10分钟) 使用图片或视频向学生展示人造雪制作原理,解释清楚食用盐和小麦粉的作用以及如何与水反应生成人造雪。3. 制作人造雪(30分钟) 分发椰子壳碎片、竹片、彩纸等材料给学生,让他们自由发挥创造力制作雪人、雪堆等。4. 展示和分享(10分钟) 让每个学生展示他们制作的人造雪作品,并分享他们的创意和体验。5. 清理和总结(10分钟) 教师和学生一起清理教室,让学生体会到责任和合作的重要性。然后,引导学生回顾整个活动,问他们有哪些新的发现和体会。扩展活动:1. 观察自然雪花的形状和结构,并与人造雪进行比较。2. 进一步探究食用盐和小麦粉在制作人造雪时的作用,可以进行更多实验和观察。3. 制作更复杂的人造雪场景,如雪山、雪原等,以培养学生的想象力和创造力。教学评估:通过学生制作的人造雪作品和他们在展示和分享环节中的表现,评估他们对人造雪制作原理的理解程度以及动手能力和合作意识的发展情况。




1. 了解端午节的来历和吃粽子的习俗。

2. 能够听懂故事,理解故事内容,并能复述故事的主要情节。

3. 学会用恰当的语言描述粽子的外形、香味和口感。

4. 培养幼儿的想象力、表达力和创造力。


1. 粽子实物或图片

2. 端午节相关视频或图片

3. 故事课件或纸质版故事书

4. 画笔、纸张等绘画材料

5. 粽子口味品尝(可选)



1. 向幼儿介绍端午节的来历和习俗,播放端午节相关视频或展示图片。

2. 邀请幼儿分享他们对端午节的了解和印象。


1. 讲述端午节的故事,如屈原投江、龙舟竞渡等。

2. 引导幼儿关注故事中粽子的制作过程、外形、香味和口感。

3. 提问幼儿,让他们回忆故事内容,并复述故事的主要情节。


1. 邀请幼儿观察粽子的外形,并用画笔和纸张绘制自己设计的粽子。

2. 鼓励幼儿用颜色和线条表现粽子的形状、花纹和颜色。

3. 展示幼儿的绘画作品,让幼儿互相欣赏和交流。


1. 如果条件允许,准备不同口味的粽子让幼儿品尝。

2. 引导幼儿用恰当的语言描述粽子的香味、口感和味道。

3. 鼓励幼儿分享他们最喜欢的粽子口味,并说明原因。


1. 回顾本次活动的内容,总结幼儿所学的知识。

2. 邀请幼儿谈谈他们在活动中的感受和体验。

3. 教师对本次活动进行小结,强调幼儿在活动中的积极参与和表现。


1. 观察幼儿在故事分享环节的参与程度,是否能听懂故事并复述主要情节。

2. 评估幼儿在绘画活动中的创造力和表现力,以及他们是否能用恰当的语言描述粽子的特征。

3. 收集幼儿在品尝活动中的反馈意见,了解他们对粽子口味的喜好和评价。












2、增强思维的灵活性。  活动准备:   苹果,草莓,香蕉,葡萄,桃子头饰各一个。


















































三、总结:幼儿说一说自己玩游戏的过程及结果。 -----你是怎么玩这个游戏呢?第一步是什么? -----你是输了还是赢了?心里怎么样?
















One, teaching plan of man-made snow the top class in a kindergarten?

Teaching plan: Group of student of target of activity of education of man-made snow the top class in a kindergarten: Student of the top class in a kindergarten (3-5 year old) education target: 1. Understanding and the characteristic that know man-made snow and the principle that make. 2. Education student is mixed to the curiosity of natural phenomenon exploration spirit. 3. Raise student whole to start work ability and group collaboration consciousness. Education preparation: 1. Environmental protection material, for example coconut shell fragment, bamboo piece, colour paper. 2. Right amount edible salt and wheat flour. 3. Clear water and large container. 4. Learn unripe manual tool, wait like scissors, glue. 5. Explain man-made snow to make the picture of the principle or video. Education process: 1. Guide activity (10 minutes) through asking problem or the means that observe a picture derivative theme, for example " do you like to watch snow? We will do a kind of special snow today - man-made snow! Do you know what is man-made snow? " 2. Explain man-made snow to make a principle (10 minutes) use picture or video reveal man-made snow to make a principle to the student, the action that explains clear edible salt and wheat flour and how to generate man-made snow with water reaction. 3. Snow of the man-made that make (30 minutes) distribute coconut shell fragment, bamboo piece, the material such as colour paper gives a student, make them free develop creativity to make snowman, snow drift wait. 4. Reveal and share (10 minutes) the man-made snow work that lets every student reveal them to make, share their originality and experience. 5. Clear and sum up (10 minutes) teacher and student clear together classroom, let a student realize the value of responsibility and collaboration. Next, guide a student to review whole activity, ask they have what new discovery and experience. Patulous activity: 1. Observe the appearance of natural snowflake and structure, undertake comparative with man-made snow. 2. Salt of edible of further make a thorough inquiry and wheat flour create the effect when snow in producer, can have more experiment and observation. 3. Design more complex man-made snow setting, wait like snow mountain, snow-field, in order to foster the student's imagination and creativity. Education evaluates: The man-made snow work that makes through the student and they are being revealed and share the expression in link, the understanding level that evaluates them to make a principle to man-made snow and start work the development state of affairs of ability and cooperative consciousness.

2, is the top class in a kindergarten sweet zhongzi teaching plan?

Teaching plan: Domain of language of the top class in a kindergarten -- sweet zhongzi

Education target:

1.The past history that knows dragon boat festival and those who eat a zhongzi is consuetudinary.

2.Can understand a narration, understand story content, and can the main plot of repeat story.

3.The society describes the appearance of the zhongzi, fragrance and mouthfeel with appropriate language.

4.Foster force of the imagination of cheeper, expression and creativity.

Education preparation:

1.Zhongzi objective or picture

2.Dragon boat festival is relevant video or picture

3.Story class or paper edition storybook

4.The painterly material such as paintbrush, paper

5.Zhongzi taste samples (optional)

Education measure:

One, guide (5 minutes)

1.The antecedents that introduces dragon boat festival to cheeper and consuetudinary, broadcast dragon boat festival relevant video or show a picture.

2.Invite cheeper to share their understanding to dragon boat festival and impression.

2, the story is shared (5 minutes)

1.Relate the story of dragon boat festival, if Qu Yuan throws swimming race of river, dragon boat,wait.

2.Guide cheeper to pay close attention to the making process of the zhongzi in the story, appearance, fragrance and mouthfeel.

3.Query cheeper, let them recollect story content, and the main plot of repeat story.

3, zhongzi brushwork activity (5 minutes)

1.Invite cheeper to watch the external form of the zhongzi, use the zhongzi that paintbrush and paper him scale design.

2.Encourage cheeper to use color and the appearance that line behaves a zhongzi, decorative pattern and color.

3.Reveal the paint of cheeper, let cheeper is admired each other and communicate.

4, the zhongzi samples activity (5 minutes)

1.If the condition allows, the zhongzi that prepares different taste lets cheeper sample.

2.Guide cheeper to describe the fragrance of the zhongzi, mouthfeel and flavor with appropriate language.

3.Encourage cheeper to share the zhongzi taste that they like most, show an account.

5, summary and think over (5 minutes)

1.Review the content of this second activity, sum up the knowledge that child place learns.

2.Invite cheeper to talk about their feeling in the activity and experience.

3.The teacher undertakes brief summary to this second activity, emphasize cheeper is taken an active part in mediumly in the activity and be being behaved.

Education evaluation:

1.Observe cheeper is in what the story shares link to participate in degree, whether can understand a narration and repeat is main clue.

2.Evaluate cheeper the creativity in painterly activity and expressional strength, and the feature that whether can they describe a zhongzi with appropriate language.

3.Collect cheeper sampling the feedback opinion in the activity, understand their be fond of to zhongzi taste and evaluation.

3, not the top class in a kindergarten of swarm teaching plan?

Swarm is the fun of a lot of dot, but have bigger safe hidden trouble, dot in case swarm falls from the tree, it is an extremely critical issue, can break bone, still can destroy tree, meeting swarm grabs some children birdie and the egg that draw out a bird, adverse to the breed of birdie, the tree has a lot of thorn, meeting cut skin and lacerate dress, do not want swarm is safety to be on guard.

4, does the top class in a kindergarten kick pocket teaching plan?

Education target: 1. Understanding the top class in a kindergarten kicks the regulation of the pocket and fundamental skill. 2. Foster the group efforts between the student and competitive consciousness. 3. The body that raises a student coordinates gender and athletic ability. Education preparation: 1. Kick the preparation of pocket field, include an open space among them, can use take action. 2. Football or similar large ball. 3. The pocket of different color a few, can make by oneself. Education measure: 1. Introduce regulation and target: To student introduction the top class in a kindergarten plays the setting of the pocket and end. Tell a student they need to be an unit with the group, in playing the ball more the bag that takes the other side as far as possible, in order to get a mark. 2. Histology is unripe: the student cent is two groups, there is a team leader in every group. Ensure every group number is roughly equal. 3. The explanation is regular: Explain the regulation of game to the student. The header of every group is in charge of sending the ball his team member, team member need plays the ball more the bag that takes the other side as far as possible in. Every success kicks the ball that advance to will obtain 1 minute. After game has proper time, those who compare two groups notch, notch top group will win victory. 4. Set an example and practice: Through set an example and practicing, reveal to the student how kickball notchs more as far as possible. Encourage a student to try to use different point of view and force kickball, in order to find the most efficient way. 5. Game practice: Let a student undertake game is carried out, every group undertakes by turns. The teacher can offer guidance and help according to need. 6. Summary reviewing: After game ends, review the process of game and experience together with the student. The idea that encourages them to share them and experience. Extend an activity: 1. Increase the difficulty of game, the size that increases a ball for instance perhaps lets a student be inside definitive time kickball. 2. Constituent match, let two groups launch friendship contest, define success or failure according to notching. 3. Try the pocket play of other mutation, receive a ball with the hand for example and put the ball into the pocket of the other side. Education clew: 1. Ensure place is safe, avoid the collision between the student and accident harm. 2. Give a student in time to encourage feedback with the front, the enthusiasm that arouses them and participate in degree. 3. The time of game can undertake adjustment according to the student's circumstance, the participation that assures a student feels and enthusiastic.

5, climb teaching plan of scaling ladder the top class in a kindergarten?

Climb scaling ladder the top class in a kindergarten

"Scaling ladder can depend on the cloud and stand, the city of overlook enemy is so medium " . Nursery school climbs dredge to play law the top class in a kindergarten outdoors play teaching plan of ladder the top class in a kindergarten " it is dangerous to climb " contain review the activity of safe theme education that applies to the top class in a kindergarten in the center, let child education listen attentively to ability and ego protection ability, know cannot wait for exorbitant place to jump downward from ha-ha, high table, brow, study is down the accurate method that jump.

6, teaching plan of Great Heat of language of the top class in a kindergarten?

Mobile target:   

1, abide by game regulation, master game play a way.


2, the flexibility that enhances thinking. Mobile preparation: Apple, strawberry, banana, grape, peach tire each one.

7, hold teaching plan of frog the top class in a kindergarten?

" frog " teaching plan of the top class in a kindergarten 1

Mobile target:

1, the picture through admiring a static state or the collection phase part that watch " frog " , understand frog a few activities and life setting.

2, the frog that learns habitually use brush to draw all sorts of trends, can add the more reasonable setting on the picture.

3, nurturance is bold coloring, even good convention of Tu Se.

4, the oneself painterly material classification after guiding children to end in the activity is put, nurturance is good habit.

5, guide cheeper to be able to abound work with auxiliary material, foster them bold innovation ability.

Mobile preparation:

Cheeper had better be divided into half education; Rice paper or writing paper made from bamboo press art this page size has been cut into parts; Each a brush; Green, black, red, blue wait for other facial expression; Water, brush cloth; Work shows a region; Pedagogic operation is used " frog " picture slide show, Fan Hua and set an example used data

Mobile process:

One, appreciation picture children, the good friend that we see the mankind now -- -- the life of frog is illuminated. (click broadcast, the edge puts edge query: What is frog doing? Wait where)

2, rhythm " small frog "

3, the teacher explains, set an example.

We should learn to draw frog with brush today. How be drawn?

1, the frog graph that we admire strokes of a few wool first.

2, demonstrative brushwork method: Green body (whole brush is finished by two) , grow a hind leg to grow a foreleg again first, (the picture that change color) greatly eye, the garment that wear a flower (black presses 3) , a lovely frog appeared. Try to change a direction to draw again... add the setting on the picture to be become namely with other pen.

3, ask everybody to start work have a try.

4, cheeper brushwork teacher is perambulatory, praise ascensive performance of the child in time.

5, work shows a basis the child early or late, seasonable paste gives work. When when most child is finished, everybody is admired freely and evaluate the work of oneself and companion please.

8, teaching plan of castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten?

One, warm up activity 1, review on section class content, let students can be recollected and talk about the knowledge of Mi of M class cat, enhance a student to be opposite the acknowledge of feline Mi. 2, show a picture, let student freedom speech relate the story of castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten, conclude. 2, thematic introduction 1, castle of Mi of cat of introductory the top class in a kindergarten: What is castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten? What appearance is it? What function does castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten have? 2, the feline Mi in castle of Mi of cat of introductory the top class in a kindergarten people: What appearance are they? What habit do they have? What do they like to work? They come how? 3, practice activity 1, ask student knot to be reached to introducing the function of castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten inside the introduction of feline Mi. 2, the video that the student watchs castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten, paint the picture of castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten in video, develop observation ability of the student. 4, brief summary 1, repeat student is mixed about castle of Mi of cat of the top class in a kindergarten feline Mi people speech, baconian and wraparound. 2, sum up this class place to learn, aggrandizement memory. 5, assign task 1, the draw that place of the activity that finish decorates practices. 2, the operation that asks the parent to monitor the child, inspect the content that this section class place learns.

9, take teaching plan of domain the top class in a kindergarten?

Mobile target

1, the correspondence that feels number and quantity.

2, the size that compares an amount.

3, the cooperative ability that develops cheeper through the activity

Mobile preparation

Exercise paper demonstrative paper of 7 portion, teachers one portion, pannikin child, the chip that contains card of hammer of bolt, magnetism, circle to make.

Mobile process memoir

One, the introduction takes domain sport.

1. looks for a friend.

-----Mr. Zhang brings a sport that takes territory under one's control to the child today, but this game needs two people to play, who wants to play with me? (select a child) .

2. chooses color.

-----So before game begins, we should choose domain first, division asks: The territory under one's control of what color do you want? Young: Of X color, your then corresponding chip also is X color, master: Good, I choose X color, my then corresponding chip namely of X color.

3. casts bolt.

-----Choose domain we should cast bolt, who comes first? Is looking a number a few? (X) , next the number is a few fluctuation that take a few chip to be put in black line to also call space the line, the domain of what color is XX? Then we should get on what chip puts in X color / below.

-----If bolt size is same big, chip is euqally much, so put in domain together.

-----Cheeper and teacher set an example the regulation that points to bolt.

4. comparing.

-----The chip that which edge we have a look at now is more?

-----Much chip is put in domain, in little chip replace dish,

Continue game.

-----Next we continue to cast bolt.

5. game result.

-----Good, the domain that we are occupied than who seeing now is more, for who to say? Are you from where to see won?

2, cheeper accompany plays game.

-----Is this game interesting? Then you also had tried?

-----Good, I feel the child of in the end to ask you to look for a good friend to play.

3, summary: Cheeper says he plays the process of game and result. -----How are you to play this game? What is the first pace? -----Are you to was defeated to still win? In the heart how?

4, cheeper collaboration receives teaching aid.

-----The toy that then we play should how ah?

-----I ask, who is the child of gules domain, ask raise one's hand. Who is the child of blue domain, ask raise one's hand.

-----The little boy that asks gules domain then receives chip and dish, will the child of blue domain receive paper to had worked? Those who see cooperation of which two good friends is best.

10, teaching plan of policeman father the top class in a kindergarten?

Mobile target:

1, the working responsibility that knows a policeman, know the hardship that they work.

2, study daring performance.

3, through watching a photograph, guide cheeper to tell about picture content.

4, the apiration that the attempt conveys him with more complete sentence, undertake boldly communicating.

Mobile process:

1, the profession that inspires cheeper to say father and mother, they work in where.

2, use wall map form, complete relate a story.

3, the duty that introduces a policeman

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