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巴基斯坦地方政府记者会直播忘关滤镜 新闻部长变"猫脸"(英语双语阅读)


巴基斯坦地方政府记者会直播忘关滤镜 新闻部长变"猫脸"(英语双语阅读)

A politician in northwestern Pakistan was given paws for thought after his press conference was streamed live on Facebook with the "cat filter" turned on, giving him on-screen whiskers and ears. 巴基斯坦西北部的一名政界人士在脸书上直播新闻发布会时,因为“猫咪”滤镜被打开了,导致他在屏幕上“长出了”胡子和猫耳朵,引发网友的热烈讨论。 The online stream of regional minister Shaukat Yousafzai speaking with journalists went viral on Friday after a member of his social media team accidentally activated the filter on the social network. 上周五,巴基斯坦地方政府部长肖卡特·尤萨夫扎伊和记者对话的网络直播视频火了,原因是他的社交媒体团队的一名成员不小心打开了脸书网站上的“猫咪”滤镜。 Comments started pouring in as Facebook users noticed pink cat-like ears and whiskers had appeared on the heads of the minister and two accompanying officials. 在脸书网友注意到部长和两位随行官员脸上的粉色猫耳朵和胡子后,各种评论就像洪水一般涌来。 There's "a cat in the cabinet" one said. Others were more literal:"Shaukat Yousafzai looks like a cat - Meow meow meow". 一名网友说:“碗橱里有一只猫。”(原短语是a skeleton in the cabinet,意思是“不为人知的家丑”)其他网友则更直白:“肖卡特·尤萨夫扎伊看起来像一只猫——喵喵喵”。 The video - seen by an AFP reporter - was deleted minutes after the press conference from the official Facebook page of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf(PTI) party, which is in power in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. 被一名法新社记者目击到的这个视频在新闻发布会开完几分钟后就从巴基斯坦正义运动党的脸书官方页面上被删除。正义运动党是开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省的执政党。 Images from the press conference were still available on social media. 新闻发布会上的一些截图仍然可以在社交媒体上找到。

Yousafzai confirmed the incident and told AFP it happened by accident. 尤萨夫扎伊证实了这一事件,并告诉法新社说这是个意外。 "The cat filter was turned on by mistake," Yousafzai said, adding "let's not take everything so seriously". “猫咪滤镜是被无意中打开的,”尤萨夫扎伊说道,“大家不用这么当真。” "I wasn't the only one - two officials sitting along me were also hit by the cat filter," he joked. 他笑称:“我不是唯一一个变成‘猫脸’的人,坐在我旁边的两名官员也被猫咪滤镜击中了。” The live stream continued with the whiskers and ears in place, even after the error was pointed out by users. 即使在网友指出错误后,直播仍然带着胡子和猫耳朵继续。 A press statement, issued by the PTI social media team said the incident happened because of "human error". 正义运动党社交媒体团队发布的一则新闻声明称,这是“人为错误”导致的事件。 "All necessary actions have been taken to avoid such incidents in future," it said. 声明中写道:“今后将采取一切必要的措施来避免此类事件再次发生。”

上一篇:巴基斯坦地方政府记者会直播忘关滤镜 新闻部长变"猫脸"(英语双语阅读)